Performance of Indian Schools in Dubai 2014-2015 Inspection Finding Key Findings Report - Dubai Private Schools | Page 34

7 years on... Inspecting for school improvement: A collaborative journey Special educational needs (SEN) Dubai is committed to become an inclusive, barrier-free society that promotes, protects, and ensures the success of people with disabilities and special educational needs (SEN). Establishing good-quality school provision for students and children with SEN is a key step on this journey. The past three years have seen an increasing focus on the inspection methodology and reporting processes regarding the quality of school provision for SEN. Key milestones achieved during the past three years of inspections Analysing the performance of all students Assessing the quality of provision, based upon international standards The development of a uniform definition for disabilities and SEN Internationally aligned categories of disability and SEN Pre-inspection school visits to inform professional dialogue regarding SEN Our inspection of provision for SEN is led by specially-trained and appropriately-experienced inspectors. The inspection process now includes focused interviews with groups of parents, alongside deep analysis of a wide range of progress indicators for both groups and individual students. For the first time, this years’ inspection reports included a judgment about the overall effectiveness of provision for SEN. This segment is supported by five evaluative statements about the strengths and weaknesses of the key aspects of provision for SEN. A summary evaluation is also provided in the new parent’s section of the inspection report. 19