Performance of Indian Schools in Dubai 2014-2015 Inspection Finding Key Findings Report - Dubai Private Schools | Page 30

7 years on... Inspecting for school improvement: A collaborative journey Teaching The quality of teaching in Arabic as a first language in the majority of schools is only acceptable. The weakest teaching is in the higher grades. The quality of lesson planning is a major area for development. Most teachers use only a narrow range of teaching strategies and activities; these often fail to engage students or address their linguistic development needs. Only about a quarter of the teachers have a recognised qualification in teaching. Furthermore, 26% of the teachers of Arabic as a first language do not have a university degree in the subject content (Arabic language and /or literature). 8% of teachers have qualifications lower than university level. 26% teachers of Arabic as a first language do not have a university degree in the subject content Assessment Over 90% of private schools rely on internal assessments to evaluate the attainment of students in Arabic as a first language. In most of these schools, assessment data does not accurately reflect students’ attainment according to the Ministry of Education curriculum expectations. Consequently, most teachers, students and parents do not get an accurate-enough indication of students’ proficiency in Arabic as a first language. Curriculum The curriculum for learning Arabic as a first language remains of acceptable quality in most private schools in Dubai. In most schools, the curriculum is still restricted to the content of textbooks, with insufficient focus on developing independent, deeper reading comprehension and extended writing skills. The curriculum delivered in lessons is generally fixed for most students, regardless of their starting points and their varying linguistic development needs. Most teachers struggle to modify the curriculum effectively to address the gaps in students’ learning. 17