Performance of Indian Schools in Dubai 2014-2015 Inspection Finding Key Findings Report - Dubai Private Schools | Page 18

7 years on... Inspecting for school improvement: A collaborative journey 7 years on... Inspecting for school improvement: A collaborative journey Summary of significant changes since 2008-2009 48% 2008-2009 61% 60% The proportion of good or outstanding teaching has increased significantly, but more than a third of lessons remain acceptable and a very few are still unsatisfactory. 60% of schools now benefit from good or outstanding leadership in their schools, compared to 46% in 2008-2009. 2014-2015 Good and outstanding teaching 46% 2008-2009 Good and outstanding leadership 96% 86% 77% Provision for students’ health and safety is good or outstanding in 86% of schools; an increase of 30 percentage points since the first cycle of inspections. 96% of students showed good or outstanding attitudes and behaviour in 2014-2015. 2008-2009 2014-2015 Good and outstanding attitudes and behaviour 52% 24% 2008-2009 88% per cent of schools now enjoy good or outstanding links with parents and their local community, up from 54% in the first cycle of inspections. 2014-2015 Good and outstanding health and safety 54% 2014-2015 Good and outstanding school-parent links 63% Good or outstanding judgements for attainment in English, mathematics, and science have improved significantly since inspections started in 2008-2009. In contrast, there has been no significant improvement in the case of Arabic as a first language, which remains a key concern and priority for KHDA. Good or outstanding quality curricula are now offered in 63% of schools, almost double the 32% in the first cycle of inspections. More than half of the schools inspected in 2014-2015 now enjoy good or outstanding governance, an increase of 18 percentage points since the first cycle of inspections. 2014-2015 Good and outstanding curriculum quality 2008-2009 2008-2009 Good and outstanding assessment 2008-2009 56% 88% Good or outstanding assessment of learning is now a feature of 52% of schools, as compared with only 24% in the first cycle of inspections. 2014-2015 32% 2014-2015 52% 34% 2008-2009 62% 45% 29% 29% 32% 44% 62% 44% 60% 42% 2008-2009 | 2014-2015 2008-2009 | 2014-2015 2008-2009 | 2014-2015 2008-2009 | 2014-2015 Arabic as first language English Mathematics Good and outstanding governance 2008-2009 | 2014-2015 Islamic Education   2014-2015 Science Good and outstanding attainment in key subjects 10 11