PERFECT HOMES MAGAZINE - ISSUE 15 issue 15 | Page 75

LA PERA After LA PERA Before How and when did your passion begin? MARBELLA HILL CLUB “By the time I knew what an architect was at the age of 7 or 8, I realized that is what I wanted to be. As soon as I could hold a pencil, I was drawing. That has continued throughout my life. I draw not just as an architect but also as a pastime. Long before I went to college I was building things out of lolly pop sticks and heaven knows what else. It was in my blood from a very young age.” In 1985 you founded the International Design Studio; please can you give me a brief synopsis? “When I came to live in Marbella in 1983 Spain was not a member of the EU; therefore my degree was not recognized. I also had to re-educate myself as to how things were done in Spain, how to get planning permission, what building methods are used etc. and learn the language to a level that I could work. I undertook my first project in 1985 whereupon I needed the cooperation of a Spanish architect because of the status of my degree. I founded the International Design Studio where both myself and my Spanish partner were working together. It was important to have a corporate identity until Spain joined the EU and my degree was recognized and I could start practicing in my own name.” What sets you apart from other architects here on the coast? “I provide a full project management service; therefore I am involved with clients from inception to completion. This includes evaluating plots of land and existing buildings before the client actually buys something. Many architects simply design the house, obtain the building license and provide basic supervision. PERFECT HOMES INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE 75