The most of the visible construction materials were extracted from the vicinity and were used to make the house ‘disappear’ into the scenery. Local techniques were also borrowed like the characteristic dry wall construction found in abundance in the island. This technique was implemented with minor modifications; on the side embankment walls in each side of the pool volume.The local materials have a low impact on the environment and they are very efficient as insulating materials. The rear walls are made of retained earth and have layers of vegetation that regulates the temperature and cools the environment through evaporation. The pool acting as roof provides thermal insulation and protection from solar radiation and heat transmittance. We wanted to make a house fused with its surroundings, an invisible oasis hidden from the unsuspected eyes. The house is acts almost like an observation post as it clings to the rocks and oversees the dramatic cascading landscape. A landscape left almost intact due to the implemented design strategy and the careful selection of materials. Principle Architects: Stelios Kois Project Leader: Nikos Patsiaouras Design Team: Filipos Manolas, Gaby Barbas, Giannakis Konstantinos, Antriana Voutsina KOIS ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS PERFECT HOMES INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE 23