ECO HOMES “environmentally friendly” Due to our changing environmental and climatic changes, the development of eco friendly properties is a growing trend in the real estate industry. These types of properties are constructed using environmentally friendly equipment and procedures, which protects people as well. As a result of the high demand for homes designed and built ecologically, property dealers specializing in eco homes are available to accommodate both buying and selling needs. Ecologically friendly homes have been in development for some time, improving more and more each year. Although purchasing a home is a huge financial responsibility, the savings reaped in the overall reduction of other costs such as electricity and hot water make it possible for almost any average household to afford a home designed to protect the environment. Not only is energy produced by solar panels and wind turbines a cost effective alternative to fossil fuels, their production and use cause little to no pollution while also preserving the earth’s natural resources. Homes that use these “green” energy sources tend to be more valuable to the housing market than traditionally powered homes, making them overall better investments for any household. The actual construction of eco homes are also known to involve using environmentally friendly materials like lime plaster, cob hemp, FSC timber, straw bale, and so on. These materials ensure the absence of any harmful gases or other substances from being released into the air. The demand to reach a standard of environmental responsibility in so many communities has made ecological building materials affordable and plentiful to the masses. 18 THE ESSENTIAL COSTA DEL SOL WEBSITE -