PERFECT HOMES MAGAZINE ( Editor Stan Israel) ( Editor Stan Israel) | Page 272

Wild things from the Jun­gle You’re likely to en­counter trop­i­cal rain­forests, thick jun­gles, the ro­man­tic feeling as­so­ci­ated with Tarzan, won­drous an­i­mals and blos­soms from par­adise just about every­where – even in the most el­e­gant par­lours. Ei­ther the room is dec­o­rated with an­i­mals, palm trees and lux­u­ri­ant plants, or their im­ages are printed on fab­ric or wall­pa­per. They also ap­pear painted on porce­lain or even on ex­quis­ite pe­riod fur­ni­ture. This strik­ing bu­reau from Moisson­nier, a French man­u­fac­turer of pe­riod fur­ni­ture, is a won­der­ful ex­am­ple which il­lus­trates how eclec­tic home dec­o­ra­tions have be­come com­pletely pre­sentable 52, rue de l’Université | 75007 Paris | France | T +33 (0)1 42 61 84 88 | [email protected]