Perdigonmania Catalogue 2017/2018 2013 | Page 7

Glass Rib

Is a glassy material in round form spaghetti insulation with wide usage. It is used mostly for making of glassy bodies of bigger buzzers, nymphs of May Flies and for bodies of smaller streamers.

Colours: Transparent, Yellow, Honey, Dark Cinnamon, Cinnamon, Dark Olive, Orange, Burnt Orange, Red, Crimson Red, Bloody Red, Light Pink, Dark Purple, Chartreuse, Light Green, Green, Dark Green, Gold Olive, Dark Golden Olive, Olive, Smoke Olive, Khaki, Light Brown, Red Brown, Fiery Brown, Brown, Gray, Black

3D Epoxy

The eyes are made by the most modern technology from the special resin of the excellent quality, which includes especially:

UV radiation resistance ( no getting yellow and colour stability supporting)

long time elasticity ( scratching and cracking by stroke resistance)

high transparency ( against usually used resins on the polyester base our ones reach higher „ 3 D“effect)

the hygienic unexceptionableness

The most of the 3D Epoxy Eyes are the original models, which Tyingmania is the only producer.

Colours: White, Fluo Chartreuse, Fluo Orange, Fluo Pink , Fluo Green, Holographic Silver, Holographic Gold,

Holographic Yellow, Holographic Red, Holographic Blue, Holographic Green-Blue, Holographic Red-Blue,Sand Silver, Sand Gold, Yellow, Fotoluminous Green, Fotoluminous Cyan, Realistic Gold , Realistic Green, Metalic Silver, Metalic Cooper, Metalic Chartreuse

Ultra 3D Epoxy Eyes

The eyes are made by the most modern technology from the special resin of the excellent quality, which includes especially:

UV radiation resistance ( no getting yellow and colour stability supporting)

long time elasticity ( scratching and cracking by stroke resistance)

high transparency ( against usually used resins on the polyester base our ones reach higher „ 3 D“effect)

the hygienic unexceptionableness

The most of the 3D Epoxy Eyes are the original models, which Tyingmania is the only producer.

Colours: Basic Yellow, Basic Honey, Basic Red, Yellow, Yellow/Orange, Black/Silver, Black/Gold, Honey, Golden Honey, Aquamarine, Red, Mystic, Bright Mustic, Copper Edge, Gold Edge, Crimson Edge, Magic Edge
