Polar Fibre
Soft synthetic hair for tying streamers. Can be coloured by water resistant markers. By cutting into strips 7-12mm and stretching it Lurabou is created (long shenille). Length of hair 60 – 80mm.
Colours: Aquamarine, Gray, Pink, Yellow, White
Tying Thread 4/0
Colours :Black, Gray, Dark Brown, Golden Brown, Brown, Pink, Wine Red, Bloody Red, Red, Burnt Orange, Fluo Orange, Cinnamon, Golden Kaki, Dark Olive, Olive, Golden Olive, Fluo Green, Fluo Yellow, Yellow, Honey, White
Tying Thread Big Fly
Colours:Black, Gray, Dark Brown, Golden Brown, Red Brown, Pink, Bloody Red, Bright Red, Red, Burnt Orange, Cinnamon,Kaki, Dark Olive, Smoke Olive, Pale Olive, Yellow, Beige, White
Body Thread
Colours: Camel´s Hair, Murky Grey, Deep Anthracite, Red, Black, Jade Lime, Yellow, Candy Blue, Mustang Brown Deep Red, Sable Brown, Blue Jewel, Lead Grey, Carmine, NutsChell, Deep Taupe, Salmon, Blush, Lemonade Yellow, Cedar Green, Olive, Fluo White, Smoke Grey, Bordeaux, Light Brown, Cerise, Opal Blue, Frost Grey, Spanisch Gold, Bright Green, Light Pink, Cloud