Perdigonmania Catalogue 2017/2018 2013 | Page 13

F. A.Dubbing

Alpaca is a superfine and long stranded dubbing and very easy to work with. Mix it with a little cdc floatant to get superb floating flies because many strands are hollow. Use for body, winging as a replacement for hares ear or bucktail.

Colours: Rusty, Dark Olive, Rusty Brown, Gold Olive, White, Grey, Yellow, Honey, Khaki, Beige, Light Olive, Black, Olive, Brown, Orange, Burnt Orange, Pink, Claret, Red, Cream

C. Dubbing

100% Natural Camel. Fine, Kinky & Strong. Gives tight nymph or dry fly bodies.

Colours: Natural, Ochre, Olive, Golden Olive, Light Olive, Rusty Orange, Rusty Red, Claret, Brown, Black

C.D.C. Dubbing

CDC Dubbing is a very soft dubbing. Because of its properties it is mainly used for bodies of dry flies. Sometimes it is also used to create some nymphs, especially when you want to get a very realistic imitation of caddis.

Colours: White, Blue Dun, Light Brown, Khaki Campbell, Brown, Dark Brown, Pale Yellow, Pale Dun, Dun, Dark Dun, Pale Olive, Olive, Dark Olive, Black

Argentinean Hare Dubbing – LONG

What is special about this dubbing is that it comes exclusively from Hares in Patagonia which live in the wild. This makes it particularly dense, resistant and far superior to the hairs obtained from fur farming.

To prepare the dubbing, Tyingmania clean and disinfect the fibres then cut them to the required length.

The use of this dubbing makes an unbelievable variety of applications possible.

This is possibly the easiest of spiky dubbing to work with - soft enough to dub on your thread without dulling it with wax, wrap your thread on the hook shank and the dubbing comes alive!

The cutting edge of dubbing material, unsurpassable in versatility, productivity and usability!

Colours: Natural, Pale Brown, Dun, Olive, Dark Olive, Black