F. A. G. Dubbing
Angora Goat is commonly known as the best all-natural substitute for seal dubbing. This fibers has a unique translucency, is spiky and softer than seal, making it a joy to manipulate at the fly tying bench!Colours: Black, Olive, Bronw, Orange, Cerise, Red, Claret, Rich Pink, Dark Olive, Rusty Brown, Fluo Chartreuse, Tan, Fluo Pink, Yellon, Fluo Yellow, Dark Honey, Green, Grey, Khaki
F.F. Dubbing
A fine diameter, Flashabou textured synthetic dubbing. Can be mixed with other dubbing materials. Perfect for speedy formation of shiny saltwater, streamer, nymph and wet flies bodies. Green-pink glow.
Colours: Olive, Golden Olive, Light Olive, Violet, Bright Red, Bright Bloody Red, Pearl, Ice Pearl, Light Yellow, Yellow, Bright Yellow, Yellow Orange, Burnt Orange, Ice Blue, Aquamarine, Blue, KingFisher Blue, Dark KingFisher Blue,Light Green, Green, Bright Green, Bright Chartreuse, Cinnamon, Light Brown, Fiery Bronw, Claret, Gold Peacock, Dark Peacock, Dark Blue Peacock, Dark Brown Peacock, Peacock, Black
F. UV Ice Dubbing
A fine diameter, Flashabou textured synthetic dubbing. Can be mixed with other dubbing materials. Perfect for speedy formation of shiny saltwater, streamer, nymph and wet flies bodies. Blue-purple-green glow
Colours: Black, Dark Brown, Fiery Bronw, Light Brown, Dark Violet, Claret, KingFisher Blue, Blue, Ice Blue, Olive, Dark Olive, Light Olive, Green, Dark Green, Light Green, Chartreuse, Purple, Raspberry, Pink, Burnt Orange,
Orange, Light Yellow, Yellow, Pearl
Fine Super UV
A fine diameter, Flashabou textured synthetic dubbing. Can be mixed with other dubbing materials. Perfect for speedy formation of shiny saltwater, streamer, nymph and wet flies bodies. UV glow.
Colours: Ultraviolet, Bright Yellow, Yellow Orange, Hot Orange, Yellow Cinnamon, Salmon Pink, Bright Pink, Aquamarine, Light Green, Light Violet, Chartreuse, Green, Olive, Dark Green, Dark Olive, Rust, Light Brown, Fiery Brown, Brown, Dark Brown