Perdana Magazine 2016 | Page 8


Biographies of our PMs , infographics-style

We ’ ve built a sizeable archive since our inception in 2003 , and among the top priorities of our archive-building are the biographies of Malaysian Prime Ministers , from Tunku Abdul Rahman to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi .
We knew them as our Prime Ministers but their lives began long before they took their oath to serve as the head of our government . What were their childhood like ? Who were their parents ? How did they get involved in politics ? Where did they work before they became politicians ?
We ’ ve already published their biographies as a Visual Timeline , accessible for free at http :// www . perdana . org . my / pms-of-malaysia / visual-timeline . But we realise that some of you may wish to download these timelines or share them with friends . As such , we ’ ve created a more condensed version of their biographies and present them in infographics , accessible here : http :// www . perdana . org . my / pms-of-malaysia / biography-infographics
We shall be improving on these timelines , adding photos and links to make them more useful . Have a look or drop us a line and let us know ( plfcomms @ perdana . org . my ) what you ’ d like to see in future infographics .