Perdana Magazine 2014-2015 | Page 50

Pe r da n a L e a d e r s h i p F o u n dat i o n I n f o r m at i o n L i t e r acy Wo r ks h o p A fun-filled CSR programme at Salak Tinggi The fifth of September 2015 was a day when seventy students of Baitul Barokah Wal Mahabbah, a privately-run orphanage in Salak Tinggi, became winners. The orphanage was the host venue of Perdana Leadership Foundation’s CSR Information Literacy programme and the students were the special guests of the day who took part in games and activities organised by the Foundation. The event was conducted by the Perdana Library with Puan Suriyana Mohd Noor as lead coordinator. 50 | P e r d a n a M a g a z in e 2 0 1 5 The day began with morning exercise led by librarians Encik Ridhwan, Cik Rokayah and Cik Arifah. Despite being shy at first, the students got into the swing of things and thoroughly loosened up by the end of the session. The physical activity prepped them for activities that followed: the historical quiz, spelling bee, information hunt, and arts and crafts. There were tired but happy faces all around when it came time for the winners to be announced. Everyone won a prize and the top winners received hampers and trophies. The orphanage received a donation from the Foundation in the form of books and posters for their mini-library. To commemorate Eidul Adha, the Foundation also donated a cow to the orphanage. Just when the Foundation’s staff were ready to pack up and leave, the students surprised the Foundation by putting on a performance that showcased their singing skills. That was the perfect end to a day of learning and activity.