Q: Given all the research that
you’ve done for MegaScience,
what are your biggest concerns
for Malaysia?
I feel the country is not investing enough
in Research and Development overall.
I’m not referring to Science and Technology R&D in particular but R&D in
general. Without proper research, we
won’t have enough good data. Some
of the policies we formulate contain
no data behind their proclamations.
For example, we set a goal for 60% of
students to go into STEM at university
level but when we did our research we
found that barely 10% qualified to go
into the Science stream! How did this
policy come into being in the first place?
Policies must be based on data.
Our education system is my other
concern. The system is not creating
enough thinkers for the future. To produce thinkers, we must encourage cr X]]