Perdana Magazine 2014-2015 | Page 15

CEO Forum 2014 concurren t session d “Taking Malaysian productivity from the industrial era to the knowledge age” moderator Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan | Executive Director, Malaysian Employers Federation “In 2010 our productivity level was at RM60,437 per employee per year in terms of value. By comparison, Singapore’s was RM173,000 per head. The government has introduced the minimum wage policy and for SMEs the increase in cost is tremendous. So there would be a 30% to 40% increase in the cost of labour. However, productivity improvements remain at 2%. So where do we go from here? Unfortunately, the minimum wage is up for a review at the end of the year, which may cause another round of cost increases.” panellists Mr Stewart Forbes | Executive Director, MICCI “We must re-envigorate our education and vocational training system, so that we recreate the right quality of human capital to drive us forward. Now, manufacturing will remain important and bring new high value industries to Malaysia. But we can improve our manufacturing sector by pumping in new technology, increasing capital, putting in automation; all these things can continue to increase H