Perdana Magazine 2014-2015 | Page 13

CEO Forum 2014 concurren t session b “Steering through rough water: Leadership in times of crisis”” moderator Dato’ Dr. Hamzah Kassim | Co- Founder and Group Managing Director, iA Group Sdn Bhd “The business landscape is changing rapidly due to technological changes. This means that leaders of the future have to be able to take a 50,000 feet view to understand what’s happening in the world. How do we build leaders who can manage business as well as international crises?” panellists Raja Teh Maimunah Raja Abdul Aziz | CEO, Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad “As a leader I tell my heads this: if you see your people growing out of their jobs, you must allow them to flee the nest. You must allow your people to eventually grow out of your organisation.” Mr. Suresh Thirugnanam | COO, “You can’t wait for a crisis to decide you want a leadership team in place to tackle that crisis...Realistically, you need to have great leadership all the time and you need to build a supporting culture. If you can’t, then you need to start changing today.” Ms. Rahima Ibrahim | Senior Vice President & Head of Human Resource, Siemens Malaysia “Change management is one of the most important capabilities all managers and leaders need to have. Change management prepares them (to deal with crises). The most important part of change management is really managing people and their emotions.” P e r d a n a M a g a z in e 2 0 1 5 | 13