Percy Bysshe Shelley First of many others. | Page 5

-Important things he did:

Related to dramas, he wrote The Cenci in 1819 and the Prometheus Unbound in 1820.

His first publication was in 1810 and it was a gothic novel called Zastrozzi, where he explained his arguments and atheistic opinions thanks to the Villain Zastrozzi.

In 1810 he and Thomas Jefferson Hogg published a pamphlet of burlesque verse, “Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson,"

In 1813, Shelley published his first serious work, 'Queen Mab'.

His father was a member of the parliament.

P.Shelley was expelled again from Oxford because of another pamphlet, ´´The Necessity of Atheism´´ in 1811.

Interesting facts: