People Specialist | Page 6

Specialist Training
The next step is an 8-week specialist training course at the Defence College of Logistics , Policing and Administration ( DCLPA ), MOD Worthy Down in Hampshire . Please note that with effect from 01 APR 24 , the DCLPA will be redesignated to the Defence College of Support ( DCSp ).
During the course , you will learn about the Specialisation and HR delivery in the RAF and UK Armed Forces and acquire skills and the knowledge to deliver HR services as a foundation from which to expand into wider areas of the Specialisation as your career progresses .
Where eligible and you agree to , you will be enrolled to complete a L3 CIPD Foundation Certificate in People practice .
Foundation Tour
For your first assignment you will be assigned to one of the Human Resources Centres located at RAF Brize Norton , Cosford , Cranwell , Leeming , Lossiemouth , Marham , Northolt and Waddington .
Your first assignment will facilitate completion of a Profession Workplace Assessment affirming the application of your learning through Specialisation training and your L3 CIPD Foundation Certificate in HR practice .
Here , you will also develop your specialist skills through a range of HR functional areas via a growing platform of digital platforms and automated ways of working .
These core skills are necessary to underpin your onward development into wider areas of the Specialisation in subsequent tours across the RAF and Joint Service environments , and in support of global RAF operations , training exercises and wider UK and overseas assignments .
SIP - EA - People Ops Page 6