What your role could involve .
• A diverse specialisation offering a wide range of roles at all levels of both the RAF and wider Defence .
• Operates up close to flying operations on RAF bases and at other military locations in the UK and overseas .
• Offers excellent opportunities to develop through professional Leadership and Management training and progression to higher level roles with responsibility for teams and resources .
Everyone in the RAF has an essential role to play in the timely and effective delivery of Air Power . in defence of the UK and its interests , on military operations worldwide and in support of the civilian population , in areas such as disaster relief and humanitarian assistance .
Your duties will be diverse , exciting and highly rewarding .
Wherever the RAF is operational , there is a People team ready to provide a professional service to in a range of functions to personnel of all specialisations .
You can expect to move assignments between 2-5 years and to work up close to flying operations on RAF bases and at other military locations in the UK and overseas , including alongside your counterparts in the other UK Armed Forces .
You will have opportunities to volunteer for assignments in places such as the USA , Cyprus and with NATO forces in Europe .
Throughout your RAF career you will deploy for periods from a few days and up to six months to use your skills in an operational environment , in a Joint Headquarters , or as part of an Expeditionary Air Wing committed to operations in locations such as the Middle East and the Falkland Islands .
SIP - EA - People Ops Page 3