MAMUYAC PMAP Communications Specialist
Bossy Facts
After the long holiday break , most of us are either raring or inert to go back to work because of different reasons : backlogs , unfinished year-end report , pending projects and your first meeting with your boss for the year .
To some , their first encounter with the company ’ s head honcho at the start of a year is a make or break thing . Well it all depends on one ’ s performance in the previous 12 months . Whether he smiles at you or wears a blank face every time you meet him in the hallway , your boss is someone you ’ ll be working with all year round , or for as long you intend to stay in his group .
So before you go to his office anytime soon , why not read some bossy facts that you might want to share to him during your meeting . These will not guarantee a salary raise but they can sure help start a good conversation .
• There is such a thing as National Boss Day created in 1958 by Patricia Haroski , a secretary at State Farm Insurance Company . It was said to have started to pay tribute to managers in the company . Its official date ( October 16 ) is Patricia ’ s father ’ s birthday .
• There are 6.7 million managers in the US ( 5 % of the US workforce ) and 1.6 million managers in Canada ( 10 % of the Canadian workforce )
• “ Boss ” is the # 3714 most common last name in the U . S . with an estimated 7500 persons using it .
• The word “ boss ” is from the Dutch word “ baas ” ( meaning " a master "), a standard title for a ship ’ s captain . It was in 1625 that the word was used in English . The popularity of “ boss ” in American English may be an egalitarian avoidance of master
• In the dictionaries , “ boss ” was defined as ( 1 ) Slang - in the 50 ’ s , ‘ boss ’ meant great , first-rate or topnotch ; ( 2 ) Barnyard - ' boss '
is another name for a cow or calf ; and ( 3 ) Medicine - a ‘ boss ’ is a name for a rounded swelling , protuberance or humpback … so , this sentence is technically feasible : Your boss did a boss job healing the boss ’ s itchy boss .
• Other boss facts : Bossiest town : Boss , Missouri ( population 609 ); Boss Nicknames : ' The Boss ’ – Bruce Springsteen , singer / songwriter ; ‘ Boss Tweed ’ - William Marcy Tweed , infamous corrupt New York politician and ‘ The Big Bossman – American pro wrestler ; Boss Songs : Big Boss Man ( Elvis Priestly ) ; I Love My Boss ( Moxy Fruvous ).
Reference : www . happyworker . com