Screen shots of actual email scams but are hindered by their relatives . Never give your bank account or credit card details because surely you ’ ll become a victim of identity theft or they can use the info to gain access to your account .
When you receive notices that your bank account has been suspended , do not respond immediately via email because these emails maybe one of those fake notices which contain links to phishing websites . Clicking that link will not lead you to the site of the real bank where you have a bank account . Instead , you will just land on a site masquerading as the legitimate site and when you enter usernames , passwords , and credit card details , such details are acquired by scammers and hackers . Before you know it , your bank account has been closed and your credit card debt has reached its limit . It is best to call your bank and ask if the email is legitimate .
This article was previously published www . bloggityboop . info , one of the blogs maintained by the writer .