American football hero Jerry Rice ( Image credit : winsnlosses . com )
of influence to see your special skills and offer you opportunities for success . It is what I always say , “ It ’ s not what you know , it ’ s not who you know , it ’ s who knows what you know .” When you volunteer to catch those bricks , you allow others to now know and see the special skills and talent you exhibit .
4 . Motivate Yourself To Take Action
Just the simple act of taking action will make you more successful than 98 % of other people . Many times people are waiting for “ just the right moment ” or “ more resources .” Motivate yourself to take action where you are at today and make the appropriate corrections as needed .
5 . Motivate Yourself to Go the Extra Mile
Jerry Rice ’ s off-season personal football workouts were legendary . He would train six days a week running five miles , along with running wind sprints up the steepest mountains in his community . He didn ’ t need to do this grueling workout , but he wanted to be in better physical shape than any other professional football player . He went the extra mile to be the best .
What are you doing to go the extra mile ? Do you have a continuous learning program in place ? Do you give of yourself to make your employees better ? Do you give your clients something extra to show appreciation of their business ? These are all opportunities to put you above the rest and to succeed in your business , in your career , and in your life .
6 . Motivate Yourself to Create a Masterpiece
Jerry Rice wanted to be the best professional wide receiver ever in football , and he achieved that title . He was motivated to pay the price to achieve that goal .
Are you motivated and ready to create a masterpiece ? Do you have a vision of what your business , career , or life masterpiece looks , feels , or sounds like ? Are you willing to sustain the quality effort , attitude , and determination to create your masterpiece ? What are you willing to give up in order to achieve your masterpiece ? Until you are ready to answer these questions , you can ’ t lay the foundation for achieving your masterpiece .
After you answer the above questions , create S-M-A-R-T-E-R goals as your roadmap for success . If it ’ s not on paper , your goals don ’ t exist . Be motivated to create , write , and act on your goals .
Follow these six success secrets and you , too , will be motivated to lay the foundation for your success . �