People Manager Magazine April 2013 | Page 25

Sitting as members of the Accreditation Council are : PP Rene Gener , DPM as Chair ; PP Pilar Almira , DPM ; PP Ernie Cecilia , DPM ; PP Freddy Marquez , DPM ; PP Ramon Medina , DPM ; PMY Met Ganuelas , DPM , Remy Cruz , FPM and Moje Aquino ; SOF PP Sylvia Duque . DPM . Past Accreditati0on Council Chair Nonong Contreras , DPM has successfully embeded the Competency Standards in the Society ’ s admission requirements .
2012 Year-End Report
The year 2012 started with a well-attended consultation meeting . Key messages from more than thirty attendees highlighted the need to position the Society ’ s image and identity as a thought leader and offer concrete programs to advance the practice of HRM .
There were two major learning events : In May , the Senior VP of the Conference Board , Ms . Rebecca Ray shared the findings of a worldwide CEO survey . The survey surfaced the concern for human capital development as a key CEo issue .
The second event was an Executive Coaching Introduction conducted by SoF President Ric Abadesco and ICF-certified coach Bjorn Martinoff . The program represented the first of a five module certification program on Executive Coaching . This was attended by 34 members . The program which will entitle participants who complete the five modules to carry the title “ Certified Executive Coach ” was recently opened to all PMAP members for a nominal fee .
Bi-monthly general membership meetings were all well attended . The first in the 2012 series was a lecture by Dr . Norio Usui , country economist of the Asian Development Bank on the “ Philippine development challenge ”. This was followed by a panel symposium with private and government resource speakers representing the state of Philippine manufacturing sector . The third and last GMM lecture was given by Monetary Board Member Ignacio Bunye who discussed the implications of monetary policies on Philippine economic performance .
Throughout the year , informal consultation meetings were held with the Philippine Regulatory Commission to explore the processes and requirements for government recognition of the HRM practice . A special committee headed by PP Nonong Contreras has been set up to pursue this flagship initiative . Other active committees are as follow :
-Advocacy , headed by PP Ernie Cecilia , DPM and PVP JJ Jimenez , FPM seeks to generate quick response on national issues with people management implications
-Thought Leadership , headed by PP Grace Zata aims to activate research and publish best practices and ideas on employability , national competitiveness and labor laws update .
-Internal Affairs , headed by Ms Tenny Menorca , FPM handles membership recruitment and general membership meetings
-Professional Development , headed by SoF PP Sylvia Duque will pursue defining the training needs of the HR community vis-àvis the SoF Competency Standards .
More Exciting 2013
In the coming year , activities leading to the filing of legislative bills to professionalize HRM practice in the Philippines will intensify through a joint PMAP-SoF committee on Professionalization .
In our bi-monthly GMMs , we will continue with high-level topics touching on people management issues . To push our thought leadership mandate , we will sponsor a series of forum discussions on people competitiveness , employability and labor laws reform . Conclusions from these fora will then be transcribed to monographs and thought papers .
In line with the society ’ s charter of advancing thought leadership on people management , we will be a strong partner to PMAP ’ s advocacy that people as human capital are the primary driver of business and national economic growth .
Through our advocacy committee , we will strive to be an articulate and timely voice on issues addressing academe-industry mismatch , influencing the regulatory employment framework and participating in public-private partnerships involving people management .
Consistent with our commitment to provide relevant learning venues for our members , we intend to continue with our executive coaching series and other topics to enhance professional value such as advanced marketing for consultancy services .
In partnership with the PMAP Board , we intend to launch an aggressive membership recruitment campaign . As of latest count , the Society ’ s membership list consists of 24 DPMs , 123 FPMs and 27 AFPMs . The Membership Committee , headed by Ms . Mimie Reyes , FPM is in the process of cleaning up this list . Through this article , we enjoin PMAP members to review the SoF Competency Standards ( copies to be distributed in the February 2013 General Membership Meeting ) and file an application to join the society if they think they meet the standards .
All these forthcoming activities will bring the Society closer to its goal of becoming the recognized credentialing organization for the people management profession in the country . �