People Manager Magazine April 2013 | Page 19

almost all of them – one way or another – have experienced rumination and anxiety in some form . To better understand how the idea of “ moving on ” should take place for employees as quickly as possible , below are the most common scenarios on how transition services can aid and participate in mood-lifting activities :
Ruminating and Anxious Behavior
Transition services
1 . The “ macho ” effect
The employee does not seem visibly bothered with the idea of the loss of stable income and the concept of having to apply again for able employment soon , despite all the uncertainties one will soon face . The employee seems unaffected with being let go and unable to process the information of the finality of his / her employment .
2 . The denial tantrums
The employee is in a persistent state of disbelief , as if the separation notification is not real . They remain under the comforting illusion that they are too “ busy ” to attend to their usual tasks at hand and trying to “ wrap things up ,” but continue to avoid contact with HR personnel or career transition coaches as much as possible . They are in total defiance of the situation and unconsciously evade instructions . They may eventually see the “ brighter ” side of things , but will initially fail to accept the idea of the separation from employment .
3 . The silent treatment
The employee is very quiet , unresponsive , answers question sparingly , does not elaborate feelings , and appears to be internalizing , yet is oftentimes just blankly staring . Most times , they are seen as distracted and aloof .
4 . Confused and weary
These employees usually had high hopes with their career , and are then devastated when suddenly been told of the end of their employment . Although this varies depending on the circumstances behind each company , employees typically have trouble absorbing the change in management decision and develop deep sentiments against management over and over again . This includes going through the motions of blaming a work colleague or worst , the immediate boss .
5 . Angry and revengeful
Employees in this state are ballistic , extremely vocal , tries to combat the decision of the management with his / her legal rights , and feels the decision made was unfair and inappropriate . They feel betrayed and let down , with the general sentiment that the company has given no value to their contributions while they were employed .
Ask employee of his / her career options , and if these are not clear yet , allow the employee to internalize and process the information as well on his / her feelings about the situation . Verify the issues surrounding the employment separation , but keep the focus on the desired picture as to what will be his / her next best career while injecting transition program services that will aid the employee on how to get there .
Process the information with the employee by pulling back to the realities of what is really going on . Prod them with questions that will trigger realization of the finality of their separation . Allow them to freely talk and surface their issues as to why they feel that way , and at the same time , guide them in their career transition program . The most important aspect of their life such as their families who will be affected with the separation sometimes becomes the significant reminder . Through that realization , it eventually allows the preferential attention of the grieving employees to keep their focus on the situation . The reality sinks in to their system on how to tell their loved ones of their employment situation , thus becoming the ‘ triggering ’ moment that they need to face the realities head on .
Constantly ask for permission in presenting ideas or giving advices to recheck the employees ’ interest and attention . Allow space and time to contemplate . Explain to them the clear program of the transition services made available to them .
Listen intently and allow employees to ventilate all confusing issues . Praise and appreciate them for being honest and simply for being able to meet career coaches , then proceed with the program that will allow them to be more prepared and confident in their next career options . Emphasize the regain of self-confidence and positive self image to better see and be in charge of the decision-making process .
Allow employee to vent and express all the angst they have in their system . Keep them within the confines of the changes as a reality in the business operation . Spot their stressors and guide them to how to accept and manage them effectively . Encourage them that they need to move on as quickly as possible and that earned skills over the years are valuable factors that they can bank on and use towards their next employment .
The encompassing truth behind all these separation issues is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach in addressing human behavior . The fact is , one cannot simply second guess what the probable reactions in each moment of ending employment will be . Even those who resign in good faith have moments of separation anxiety . Also , as previously highlighted , employees affected by downsizing tend to go through the twin concepts of rumination and anxiety . These usually cannot be avoided , thus separation actions are rarely taken well .
With these in mind , companies who are planning to go through the process should be prepared by establishing linkages with and engaging professional services that are highly knowledgeable with the dynamics of outplacement services , and who can ably “ build bridges ” even in the face of distressing employment circumstances . This is because despite whatever business decisions motivate reduction of personnel , it is always good to remember that employees are not just “ line items ” on an Excel or HRIS , but people too , with families , goals , and others to support . Adopting this business philosophy of taking care of one ’ s people even when they leave can only be a positive thing for the long-term reputation and identity of a company , both of which are highly important in ensuring continuity of a business for many years to come . �