People and Management March 2019 | Page 8

COVER STORY and automate repetitive & mundane tasks and processes which form routine. This may effect the manpower involved in the mundane roles in the team. b) Non-tech Professionals: As new-age technology fi rms stabilize and mature, they create a number of nontechnical roles. The distinction between workplaces that hire technical vs. non-tech professionals is blurring rapidly, as every business now needs both components to grow. Renaissance of Offi ce Jobs After experimenting with outsourcing tasks, employers seemed to prefer the predictability and value of permanent employees working together in co-located teams. Thus, existing employers are more likely to be offered a role in 2019, if they are willing to work with their team at the offi ce rather than seeking a short-term gig or the fl exibility of working remotely from home. higher premium on the team member who can do a great job of communicating with other teams by talking and writing the report and making a presentation in a meeting. So, one can consciously invest in these skills. 4. Processes and Products Product approach and process thinking are two skills that have led to a boost in employee’s career in 2019. Thus, evaluating things like Which part of the employee’s role can deliver a maximum impact; whether one is involved in creating the product or asset or at improving the process by which the organization becomes more effi cient. 5. Social Media Why it matters, in one sentence: With social media, local mistakes can lead to global outrages, requiring people who can manage difficult situations. Thus, organizations both old and new need to have basic social media skills and be web savvy to stay ahead of the game. Retention Policies To increase retention and reduce cost of attrition, employers will focus on offering investments in non-fi nancial benefi ts. Instead of hiring a new person with greater skills, the employer may offer a training program that will up-skill the existing staff. So, more likely there will be a mentor mentee relationship eherein the mentor will help steer the career internally. By paying attention to in-demand skills like following, employees can make sure that they remain in-demand among employers. Trends for Employees 1. Automation and Data The current employer and future hiring m a n a g e r w i l l v a l u e a n e m p l o ye e wh o is comfortable with technology. As every organization looks at increasing automation and going digital in 2019, it has to be evaluated if they leverage automation to boost their output and can they read the data available to tease out and tell a useful story? 2. Communicate - Speak Write and Present The recent LinkedIn Emerging Jobs report states that the largest skill gap in the job market is communication. The employer will place a 8 | Vol. 10 Issue 3 • MARCH 2019, Delhi NCR May it be any functional domain, whether Sales, Operations, HR or Finance, everyone needs to leverage these skills to generate leads and increase business. Old jobs might be over and done with the rise of the machine. Nevertheless, there will always be new roles in a tightly connected, hugely automated technology era. There will ultimately be only two ends of the job spectrum left to humans: low-skill, low-paying manual labor at one end, and top managers, scientists and technocrats at the other. Both types of jobs will require original and creative thinking, adaptability, and the willingness to work collaboratively. Low-paying jobs such as care-giving or food service require interaction with people, as well as the ability to improvise rapidly. Again, people at the top will be required to work collaboratively and engage more with a diverse workforce, as global issues such as overpopulation are too complex to be tackled in isolation. Strengthening skill is one of the best investments people can make in their career, as it never goes out of style. Additionally, the rise of AI is only making soft skills increasingly important, since they are precisely the type of skills robots can’t automate. P & M