n past 60 years, 88 percent of Fortune
500 companies have either merged, got
acquired, have lost their edge, while
others have simply vanished. At this rate,
none of the Fortune 500 will make the list
50 years from now, in the year 2088. There
have been organizations like Kodak, Nokia,
Hindustan Motors and Compaq (to name a
few), and yet in the same age there have been
organizations such as Royal Enfi eld, Bajaj Auto
and, Mahindra & Mahindra that have risen.
stands out loudly and makes this book a must
read for everyone involved in the business.
What separates the later from the
It’s not the fi nancial riches, infrastructure
or the products and services alone that make a
huge difference, it is the people and the culture
of the organization which allows them to bring
out their best and that’s the winning edge.
In his book, the author encourages the
readers to focus on the basics in the same
breath as a sports person would do. It is the
simple things which when done correctly and
consistently over time make a difference for
you and your organization.
Author has narrated 7 mistakes in an
engaging way, supported by well-researched
data points, metaphors and analogies from
day-to-day life and then smoothly transitioned
and linked them to the organizational sphere.
His use of the simple and a wide variety of
examples to talk about complex things makes
the job of the reader easy. The relatedness of
these ideas to the real-life experiences by him,
| Vol. 10 Issue 3 • MARCH 2019, Delhi NCR
Pankaj Wadhwa,
Founder and
Managing Director,
Tangible Learning
Solutions LLP
Adhyyan Books
Year of Publishing:
November 2018
Pages: 145
Price: INR 300
The seven areas mentioned are very
distinctive and yet comprehensive. Through
these elements, he has covered concepts
of a learning organization, shared vision,
culture, talent management, leadership,
systems thinking and internal customer
service. Author understands that in this era,
knowledge is available at the click of the
button and therefore, not only has he covered
the most common mistakes that organizations
make in these areas but has also shared the
steps they can take to avoid them.
For small business, the book shares a
road map on how to move away from one’s
individual vision and build a more inclusive
approach that inspires a shared vision and
aligned organization-wide systems and
processes. For a larger organization, it gives
food for thought to refl ect upon its success and
failures in creating a ‘learning organization’.
The book will entreaty a wide spectrum
of audience and ignite the thought process of
a CEO. It gives practical insights to a human
resource practitioner or provide a manager
with leadership and team management tips.
It covers interview of two prominent
thought leaders - Mr. Abhijit Bhaduri & Mr.
Gurucharan Singh Gandhi.
Happy Reading !! P & M