Business School
Trends that will
Dominate the Future
hocking reports have revealed a vast
skills gap in India, with several surveys
suggesting that more than 75% of
graduates are not employable in any sector
based on industry standards. This has sparked
growing concern about the mismatch between
universities and the needs of the job market
Universities often cite the need to adhere
to a tight curriculum rather than keep up
with industry changes. Universities have
faced flak in the recent years over inflexible
curricula, rote teaching and learning and lack
of experiential learning outside the classroom.
But academics say that industry expectations are
often unrealistic and misguided.
In a nutshell, there is a big gap between
| Vol. 10 Issue 3 • MARCH 2019, Delhi NCR
Deepak Bharara
Director, People A2Z
what Industry expects & what a Business School
delivers in terms of preparedness of students
to take up industry jobs or start up business on
their own.
There is strong need for Business schools to
predict future needs & navigate their pedagogy
to be better suited for future needs. Business
Schools have to forecast future, keeping in view
the Technology, Customers, Science & Business.
A fusion is required between emerging trends &
our Indian values/ethos
Technology advancing faster has come up
in a big way in our daily life & is distrupting
many business models. The business trends are
accelerating, so, the business schools have to act