People and Management February 2019 | Page 23 Neuroscience and research have reiterated and strengthened the claims that meditation practitioners have been making for years. Mindfulness has a positive impact on our physiology, psychology, and work performance. At the physiological level, researchers have demonstrated that mindfulness training results in a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, and a lower heart rate. In addition, people who practice mindfulness sleep better and feel less stressed. Neuroscience has also conclusively proven that Mindfulness training increases the density of grey cells in our pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain that thinks rationally and solves problems. ion Because of this increase, cognitive function ased improves, resulting in better memory, increased y, and concentration, reduced cognitive rigidity, faster reaction times. With all these benefi ts, research has found people who practice mindfulness techniques report an overall increased quality of life. The benefits of mindfulness also have been demonstrated in an organizational context. For example, Jochen Reb, a researcher from Singapore Management University, evaluated the effectiveness of some of the Potential Project’s Mindful leadership programs at Carlsberg Group and if P&C Insurance, a large Scandinavian insurance company. He found signifi cant improvements in focus, awareness, memory, job performance, and overall job satisfaction after only nine weeks of training for 10 minutes each day. Attendees also reported reduced stress and improved perceptions of work-life balance. Other researchers have found similar benefits from mindfulness training in corporate contexts, including increased creativity and innovation, improved employer-employee relations, reduced absenteeism, and improved ethical decision making. But mindfulness does something far more powerful than all of the above—it constructively alters our perception of reality. Through repeated practice, mindfulness triggers a shift in cognitive control to frontal brain regions. This enables us to perceive our world, our emotions, and other people without fi ght-or-fl ight and knee-jerk reactions, and to have better emotional resilience. Focus and awareness are complementary. Focus enables more stable awareness, and awareness enables focus to return to what we’re doing. They work in tandem. This change in neurological wiring helps us perceive situations and make decisions more from t the conscious mind, avoiding some of the traps of our unconscious biases. Operating more from the prefrontal cortex also enhances our executive function, the control centre for our thoughts, words, and actions. A well-developed executive function allows us to better lead ourselves and others toward sha shared goals. With stronger prefrontal activity, we de deactivate our tendency to be distracted and we b become more present, focused, and attentive. There are two key qualities of mindfulness— focus and awareness: Focus is the ability to concentrate on a task at hand for an extended period of time with ease. Awareness is the ability to make wise choices about where to focus your attention. Optimal effectiveness is achieved when you’re simultaneously focused and aware. Focus and awareness are complementary. Focus enables more stable awareness, and awareness enables focus to return to what we’re doing. They work in tandem. The more focused we become, the more we also will be aware—and the other way around. In mindfulness practice, you enhance focus and awareness together. Not coincidentally, mindfulness also makes us happier. The more present and attentive we are, regardless of what we do, the happier we become. P & M Vol. 10 Issue 2 • FEBRUARY 2019, Delhi NCR | 23