PEONY MAGAZINE Sept. 2017 | Page 26



Prioritizing: There is something to be said for doing things ahead of time but when you already don’t have enough hours in the day, sometimes things must wait to the last minute, by prioritizing you make sure you are not forgetting anything and getting things done in order. Sorting things by everyday tasks, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly is the best way to plan. More than likely most of your prioritizing will be on a daily and weekly basis. First, prioritize tasks by time sensitivity, easiest to hardest, and whether I can do from home vs having to go out and do it. More than likely most of your prioritizing will be on a daily and weekly basis. I first prioritize task by time sensitivity, easiest to hardest, and whether I can do from home vs having to go out and do it.

Sleep: Sleep? Who needs it, right? Wrong. Getting the right amount of sleep is paramount to your ability to get as much as possible done during your day. Some of us are in the barely-get-enough-sleep camp and some of us are getting 8 or more hours of sleep. Just as it is important to get enough sleep, it is also important not to oversleep. You can start by going to bed at a reasonable time until you find out what your sleep cycle is, once you figure this out you can plan when you need to go to bed in order to get enough sleep to get through the day and accomplish all you need to do.