Pension Planning BUS FUND November 2013 Issue 45 | Page 6

Investment Report 2012 / 2013 Investment Report 2012 / 2013 Introduction by John Hattersley Fund Director Fund Account* Much to many observers’ surprise, most stockmarkets around the world went up during 2012/13 although the year was very much one of contrasts with the first part suffering volatile conditions whilst the last few months enjoyed a rally. There was undoubtedly a change in sentiment for the better over the year but much of that was based upon the assumption that the central banks would continue their support of financial markets. It remains unclear what will happen when that support is withdrawn or tempered. would probably arise out of the March 2013 actuarial valuation and the changes to the LGPS due to take place in 2014. Whilst the Fund adopted a cautious approach throughout the period it also acknowledged that investors were becoming less nervous. The Fund produced an actual return of 15.8% compared to its expected benchmark return of 13.2%. All asset classes performed well. There was little change to the asset disposition over the year with international equities and high yield bonds continuing to be favoured whilst the Fund remained light in UK equities and corporate bonds. The environment remains very challenging in a real sense since financial markets have been propped up by symptomatic treatment rather than by a cure. Whilst that is a legitimate cause for worry it has to be acknowledged that money - and the banks’ actions have created a lot of it - has to go somewhere and equities are the least ugly alternative. Investors have become more bullish and will do so as long as markets rise. So long as the desire for income, zero interest rates and money printing continue equities are guarded by an open door. In these circumstances the Fund will remain vigilant and cautious and will try not to lose sight of quality when the siren call urges otherwise. The gentle pressure upon cash flows, induced by pension requirements, continued and this was carefully monitored: some trimming of positions was required. The Committee is very conscious of the closed nature of the Fund and began work to anticipate the investment strategy issues which As the Fund enters a period of considerable change for the LGPS the investment environment remains very challenging. Investors are aware that financial markets are propped up by symptomatic treatment rather than cures but remain relieved that the patient is no longer in intensive care. Until such time as the patient can be discharged the Fund will remain vigilant and cautious. 10 Year Annualised Figures - Comparison with Benchmark CATEGORY 1 Yr Return Fund Benchmark UK EQUITIES 17.5 16.8 9.7 OVERSEAS EQUITIES 25.9 17.7 INDEX LINKED GILTS 10.8 CORPORATE BONDS £’000 £’000 £’000 with members, Dealings employers and others directly involved in the Fund Contributions receivable 3,076 - Employer 3,466 473 - Members 427 - Transfers in from other 50 pension funds 3,549 10% 8% 3,943 Benefits payable (7,068) - Pensions (7,628) (2,295) - Lump sums/commutations (1,958) (25) - Lump sum death benefits (367) (9,388) (9,953) (53) Payments to and on (66) account of leavers (183) Administration expenses (156) (9,624) (10,175) (6,075) Net additions (withdrawals) from dealings with members (6,232) on investments Returns 4,759 Investment Income 5,039 11,667 Profit and losses on 21,535 disposal of investments and changes in value of investments (37) Taxes on income (28) (511) Investment management (504) expenses 19,810 10.7 12.7 7.2 11.9 9.4 164,607 Net assets of the Fund 174,410 at 1 April 10.7 12.8 12.1 8.1 7.8 174,410 Net assets of the Fund 194,220 at 31 March 14.7 12.0 11.7 10.4 # PROPERTY UNIT TRUSTS 2.4 1.0 6.3 5.2 # CASH 0.5 0.4 3.4 10.2 10.1 2% 0% 1 3 5 10 Year Return Year Annualised Return SYPTPF Year Annualised Return Benchmark (South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Pension Fund) Year Annualised Return CPI (Consumer Price Index) Asset Allocation by Asset Class as at 31s ?5????????()9??????????????????$$)??????????????$$)????????????????????$$)???????????$$((???$((???$((?(($(?????$($$($$($$((???$((???$((?()???????????() ???????((???$((??(??()??$()Q=Q0?IQUI8$() ???????$(($((??((????????$(($??????$?9??????????$$??????($%?????????$$((?e?????????I????$????e?????????I????)??$(($????????$$()???A????????((?%???????????(???(($?????????($????????(%???????()A???????U???)Q???????)!????e????) ????(??() ??????() ??????) ????????()U,??????(???()%?????1?????)???????()%?????????)?????(????((??????????????????????????????????????((?((?((0