Pennsylvania Nurse, Front Page 2017 Issue 3 | Page 21
What are your future goals?
I’m focusing on being active as a
Board member with both PSNA
and the Nursing Foundation of
Pennsylvania (NFP). I want to
make a difference in the lives of
new nurses through work with
these organizations. I want to ad-
vocate for our patients and have
compassion. I plan to maintain a
leadership position for a few more
years and then retire. And I’m
always thinking of ways to stay
connected to my passion.
Why do you think it is important
that nurses join PSNA and/or get
involved at the state level?
Nurses can make a difference in
the lives of so many. Professional
nursing needs a voice. As mem-
bers of the most trusted profes-
sion, we must advocate for nurses
to practice to the extent of their
licensure. It is vital that we take
care of our young so that we have
nurses to take care of us.
PSNA is an amazing opportunity
to learn about issues impacting
our profession. It is all about
nursing support at the state and
national levels. Dues are minimal
and well worth the investment. I
encourage all nurses to join and to
run for an offi ce.
Advice for new nurses
or nursing students:
• Work as a nursing assistant.
• Don't be afraid to touch a pa-
• Patients depend on us for basic
needs like bathing, linen chang-
es, and grooming. This can be
more important to the patient
than their new medication.
• Lead by example.
Editor’s Message
continued from page 4
Families gather in faith communities. With people brought together
in one place, opportunities for health promotion abound. This issue
includes an example of how nursing has made an impact in addressing
population health in a faith community. Also known as parish nurs-
ing or congregational nursing, the term “faith community” embraces
communities of all faiths.
This issue also includes memories of the 2017 conference where Penn-
sylvania nurses gathered for education, professional development, and
fellowship. Check e-mails and the PSNA website for information on
upcoming conferences and a Call for Abstracts.
As always, Pennsylvania Nurse welcomes articles from readers. Feel
free to contact me ([email protected]) or PSNA Com-
munications Director Jennifer Neidig ([email protected]) with ideas
for articles.
Issue 3 2017 Pennsylvania Nurse 19