Pennsylvania Nurse, Front Page 2017 Issue 3 | Page 2

Penn State’s Nursing Programs—online! Alea McClintock, DNP, CRNP Penn State Class of 2017 Doctor of Nursing Practice No matter where you are in the world, you can fully access our high-quality, renowned nursing programs led by expert faculty and FRQYHQLHQWO\R΍HUHG online through Penn State World Campus. Reputation—The Penn State College of Nursing was ranked No. 20 nationwide in overall nursing master’s degree programs for 2018 by U.S. News & World Report. Student Services—Even from a distance, our students can access career services, Penn State University Libraries, technical support, tutoring, clubs DQGRUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGDQ2ɝFHRI6WXGHQW$΍DLUV Convenience—We understand that adults, especially ZRUNLQJQXUVHVQHHGȵH[LEOHDQGFRQYHQLHQWOHDUQLQJ options to meet their professional and personal commitments. The Real Penn State—There will be no distinction on your diploma that your courses were completed at a distance. Check out our online programs today! U.Ed.OUT 18-WC-0397/ajw/smb