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ronmentally sustainable members of the broader healthcare team. With nursing faculty as role mod- els, students can become advocates for conscientious resource utilization while contributing to improved patient outcomes as a result of their sustainable and environmentally responsible simulation practices. Nurse educators are dovetailing a growing global sustainability education and training movement. This movement integrates a holistic understanding using Agenda 2030 and complementary sustainabil- ity competencies frameworks that emphasize systems thinking, temporal and strategic thinking, interper- sonal skills, and ethical literacy (Engle, Barsom, Van- denbergh, Sterner, & Alter, 2018; Wiek, Withycombe, & Redman, 2011). By fostering a culture that em- braces sustainable practices as a global citizen in the academic setting, we are developing nursing profes- sionals who understand the importance of dedicating their careers to sustainable environmental health to better the lives of patients and our communities. References American Nurses Association. (2007). ANA’s principles of environmental health for nursing practice with implementation strategies. ANA: Silver Spring, MD. Retrieved from Dragon, N. (2017). Green healthcare: Our environmental warriors. Aus- tralian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 25(1), 18-22. Engle, E., Barsom, S., Vandenbergh, L., Sterner, G., & Alter, T. (2017). Developing a framework for sustainability meta-competencies. Interna- tional Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability, 1(4). Hayden, J. K., Smiley, R. A., Alexander, M., Kardong-Edgren, S., & Jef- fries, P. R. (2014). The NCSBN National Simulation Study: A longitudi- nal, randomized, controlled study replacing clinical hours with simula- tion in prelicensure nursing education. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 5(2), Suppl, S3-S40. doi:10.1016/S2155-8256(15)30062-4 International Council of Nurses (ICN). (2018). ICN position statement: Nurses, climate change and health. ICN: Geneva, Switzerland. Retrieved from policy/position-statements Kangasniemi, M., Kallio, H., & Pietilä, A. (2014). Towards environmen- tally responsible nursing: A critical interpretive synthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(7), 1465-1478. doi:10.1111/jan.12347 Wiek, A., Withycombe, L. & Redman, C.L. (2011). Key competencies in sustainability: A reference framework for academic program develop- ment. Sustainability Science 6(2), 203-218. Woda, A., Dreifuerst, K. T., & Garnier-Villarreal, M. (2019). The impact of supplemental simulation on newly licensed registered nurses. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 28, 1-5. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2018.12.002 Kristal Hockenberry earned a BSN from Waynesburg University and MSN from Penn State University. She has worked in various areas, including neurology, im- munology, OBGYN, school nursing, and family practice. She is a nursing instructor and simulation lab coordina- tor at Penn State’s University Park Campus. Areas of interest include clinical simulation and sustainability in nursing education and healthcare. She is an active member of the College of Nursing’s Simulation Commit- tee and Sustainability Committee. Darlene Clark has been an assistant teaching professor at Penn State University, College of Nursing for 28 years. She focuses on legal, ethical, and genetic issues in nurs- ing, leadership, and gerontology. She has a special interest in sustainability and the healthcare environment. She serves as the College’s Sustainability Council Chair and as the Faculty Mentor to the Womens’ Leadership Initia- tive at Penn State. Have you updated your profile lately? Make sure you are receiving the latest news concerning contact hours, advocacy, events, and industry news. Please update your membership profile at to connect with PSNA members and staff. For assistance, contact Melissa Dang, Membership Coordinator @ 717-798-8170. It’s Here! PSNA members can now connect to on their phones. Just download the Member Centric app and search for PSNA. Start a conversation, add an event, or make a new contact today! Issue 74, 3 2019 Pennsylvania Nurse 18