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gagement in activities, depressed appearance, fearful, being threatened, isolation from others, yelling at and/or humiliating the victim, ignoring, or control- ling the victim. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is forced or unwanted sexual interac- tion (touching and non-touching acts) of any kind with an older or older incompetent adult (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). It may con- sist of the following direct or indirect observations: bruises, burns, bite marks, perineal bruising or orifice discharge, forcing the victim to participate in sexual acts, or making the victim view sexually explicit photos or movies. Financial Abuse Financial abuse is the illegal, unauthorized, or improper use of an older individual’s resources by a caregiver or other person in a trusting relationship, for the benefit of someone other than the older indi- vidual (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). It may consist of the following direct or indi- rect observations: unauthorized withdrawals from the victim’s bank accounts, transferring or coercing property without consent, or unauthorized use of finances from the victim for personal use such as cash or credit cards. Neglect Neglect is failure by a caregiver or other responsible person to protect an elder from harm, or the failure to meet basic needs which results in a serious risk of compromised health and safety (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). It may consist of the following direct or indirect observations: lack of medication or medical care, failure to respond to the victim’s needs, living in an unsafe or unsanitary environment, evidence of pressure ulcers, or desert- ing the elder. Abandonment Abandonment is purposeful desertion of an older individual where the person is left in private or public locations (Thomson Reuters, 2019). It may consist of the following direct observations: leaving the victim alone in private or public for long periods of time and not caring for needs during this time. According to the National Institute on Aging (2017), seven million Americans are long-distance caregivers. This means that the caregiver lives more than one hour away, but assists the individual who needs some type of care. Care may include financial manage- ment, coordination of in-home care, or other health- related services. The long-distance caregiver may be a family member, friend, or a person associated with an agency, and could be implicated in cases of neglect or abandonment. Healthcare Fraud Healthcare fraud is improperly charging the el- derly individual or providing inadequate healthcare services (Robinson, Saisan, & Segal, 2019). This is a fairly new category added to the traditional list of abuse. It may consist of the following direct or indirect observations: healthcare providers charging the victim for services not rendered or over-charging, fraudulently billing insurance companies, over or un- der medicating, or suggesting fraudulent treatments. The Abuser Frequently, the abuser is trusted and well-known to the victim such as a family member, neighbor, or caregiver. The abuser may also be a non-acquain- tance such as a professional employee at a health care facility, a roommate in a long-term care institution, or a boarder in the elder’s home. The abuser may display the following characteristics: controlling behavior, mental health issues such as mania/depression/personality disorders, nervousness, frustration, low self-esteem, physical or emotional aggression, refuse to allow the victim to be alone with healthcare or agency personnel, lack of sup- port for the victim, statements that the victim is a burden, suspected or confirmed use of substance abuse, criminal record especially related to abuse or history of family violence complaints, or history of being abused or neglected as a child. In addition, em- ployees who abuse the elderly may lack training, be overworked or working in poor conditions, or experi- ence anger management issues with violent behavior. See Table 1. Issue 74, 3 2019 Pennsylvania Nurse 7