distinct skills , that together they provide the school with global , local and professional perspectives . As many Board Members and Governors are parents of children at LCIS , the team can carefully balance the decision-making process of the school with the pulse felt from the classroom and community . They also watch over the financial valves and levers to ensure the school is prudent in financial commitments . Yet , there was also a concomitant need to expand and to take a level of financial risk to do so ; their job was to strike that balance for the benefit of the students .
Students will not have to go far to find their new , 17.5-acre campus . Mr Basil Goulandris , a Board Governor and father of four LCIS students , commented on the interdependence of the school and the community that it serves : “ The success of the school has enriched our familial community , and we all have a vested interest in developing a well-rounded and sustainable community . The school has always had value to the students , the families , the community , local businesses and nation , but that value proposition has been elevated , with the building of its new campus atop the hill near St Paul ’ s , to new heights .”
While the school developed , implemented and approved its high-level academic , artistic and athletic offerings , it provided a level of learning for a symbiotic global clientele . LCIS ’ mandate is less like a diploma , which can become static , and more like a license , or really many different licenses , all of which require constant training , preparation , upkeep and proof of success to be renewed . Mirroring the values of the International Baccalaureate , the school ’ s leadership has thoughtfully chosen this position of constant reflection and evolution , and all who join the institution in that mission must upkeep it rigorously and continuously .
LCIS is a community school , but the communities it serves and creates are uniquely local , national and global at the same time . LCIS now finds itself growing into a new home a bit like a queen conch , with a lovely , new , appropriately pink shell . With the new campus to move into , one can only imagine the exciting new developments waiting to be accomplished in its sixth decade , as the school fulfils its promise to provide a world-class experience for its students and their families , whether they are from right down the road or across the globe .