Pen & Camera March 2020 | Page 5

While handling all of that, I've also began looking to ways of at least gaining cover art for my first novel Khyrus, Gad of Virtue and Strength. In short, the novel is about a child named Khyrus who was born to parents who were a Gad and Gaddess over a land that was given to them by The Most High. He witnessed his parents being murdered as a child and fled a long with all the other children who managed to escape. All elders who weren't killed were turned into slaves as Khyus' murder took over their land.

While Khyus and the other children were growing up, they did a lot of training in martial arts and came up with a plan to take back control of what theirs. They succeed in defeating the villain and peace is restored once again. I'm thinking of a book cover that symbolizes what my story is about and will catch the attention of most readers.

I have found a few ways to be able to make that a possibility, but I'll also have to be able to do that for my upcoming novel as well.

As far as having any ideas on how I want the cover of my soon to be completed second novel, I've put that on the back burner at least until I've gotten images set in stone for my previous novel. I'll continue to write whenever and wherever I'm able. I just have to tackle a few things at once so things won't begin to pile up and become too much for me to handle.

If I didn't love writing as much as I do now, I probably would've given up a long time ago. The person I was a few years ago would've quit and never picked up a pen or camera again if it weren't for my passion for it being sparked up again along with some outside motivation from someone very close to me. Doing this can be a pain at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else. I can and will be successful.

I was honestly nervous about putting my work out there, but if I choose to live in fear, I'll never get anywhere. I have to remind myself of that so I can continue to move forward. Fear of not being able to get my first book out thee would've stopped me from beginning my second book. If I hadn't started any of the things I'm working on, I would most likely still be in the same situations I was prior to this. I would've continued to be miserable. We all have choices in life. Make them wisely.