It’s a long trip to Blaenau
Gwent but I’ve shot there
twice before and I’ve
always had a good time so
I just fancied it, it’s all good
practice and you don’t get
many chance to practice
that many uphill and
downhill shots. The last
course I shot there was
amazing, loads of thought
and work had gone into
it, I remember fighting for
every single target.
Not totally enamoured with
the 5am start but when FT
gets in your blood there’s
not much you can do plus
there’s not much up ours
happening, never fancied
HFT, too much cammo for
my liking.
my best mocking smile
at the story, never mind
having no shame before
eating the apple, what
about a talking snake!!! Phil
reckon it wasn’t an apple
at all and that Eve was on
one from drinking Scrumpy
Jacks, how else do you
explain the talking snake?
No music on the way
down, just Radio 4 and a
piece on Adam and Eve,
One thing we did notice
as an atheist I was wearing though, it was getting
darker and darker as we
got closer to Wales, maybe
the mighty G.O.D was
on some kind of dimmer
switch hoping to spoil
my day but it would take
more than that to stop us,
so I waited for the talking
snake to pop up!
Got there a bit early so we
helped set out the plinker
and started having a good
session, anywhere from
0 to 60mm, looks tricky
but with one course in the
woods and the other in the
open field it was going to
be a game of two halves.
I was going a couple of
pellets low at 50yds but I
put that down to the wind
and just added a couple
of clicks. Phil on the other
hand was going well low,
told him to check his zero
and check at 15yd for
difficult to work out what
the wind was doing but
some great placement and
good practice. The 15mm
Lane 9 right at the top of
11yd duck nearly gave
the woods and a couple of me a hernia but it went,
standers, I was knackered missed a couple on the
when I got there and in
next lanes shooting right
protest I missed both.
up the bank but it was hard
So did Phil mind but he
to get it right and hold your
was about an inch low on balance perfect, that’s why
both. Next couple of lanes Blaenau Gwent is great for
I started to do really well,
some practice. I tipped in
a 23 and Phil a 13. Looking
at his gun he was 15 clicks
out on his zero, not sure
why he didn’t spot that
but sometimes there’s no
telling him.
The flat field course was
looking like a nightmare,
very windy and the rain
was pulsing across the
field in waves, you could
actually see it by just