Pedifix TR Katalog.pdf Nov. 2014 | Page 4

DERMATOLOGY ers End Foot Pain Help Your Custom PediFix Medical Footcare Since 1885 4 family generations… Heinrich Berkemann Company Founder, 1885 rs for years, Dispensed by docto ry footcare products problems that ordina oducts relieve Pr can’t help. res just like yours e so popular in sto ese unique items ar Th ll-thru. If for any y guarantee their se at we unconditionall th s, new sales, profits thankful customer ason you don’t get re . Anytime. When we’ll buy them back d doctor referrals, an you risk nothing. you carry PediFix, e the Order ess with PediFix. Us t your footcare busin Boos t started. of this catalog to ge Form in the center No Sore Feet! Jon P. Case President re Company The PediFix Footca displays inside! new products and P.S. See 20 unique Hans and Walter Berkemann Dr. Melitta Berkemann Roger Case Dennis Case, Jon Case, Chris Case 3