PEDAGOGIC (May,2014) | Page 2

一般的な機能 ( GeneraL CAPABILITIES) capanilites

capacités générales( GENERAL CAPABILITIES)

General Capabilities

The General Capabilites written in 2010 and revised in 2011, can be found in the Australian Curriculum and are "set of knowledge, skills, behaviours and successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens" (ACARA, 2011a, p. 1)

In the education lifetime of every student, they will be given the opportunity to develop in all capabilities both in the classroom and through extra-curricular activites such as sport and camps, as well as using them outside of school life. General capabilities add " richness and depth to the learning areas and help sutdents see the interconnectness and relevance of their learning" (ACARA, 2011a, p. 1). They are aimed to help the students of today to livenand lwork as productive happy citizens.

General capabilites are entrenched in the content of all key learning areas of the Australian Curriculum.

In the context of learning "general

capabilities enahnce and complement each other" (ACAR,2011e, p. 1)