PECM Issue 69 2024 | Page 54

The best-kept secret in the cable industry : Ultrascreen™


The best-kept secret in the cable industry : Ultrascreen™
The demand for high-voltage cables to distribute electricity is high and growing fast . Supply is outstripped and new factories are being built all over the world . Look at the audacious Morocco project to link sunny and windy Morocco with the UK . And see “ The surprising key to a clean energy future ” in Bill Gates ’ blog .
High voltage is necessary to minimise the energy loss in transmission . It means that the insulation in the cables , whether under the sea or over land must be flawless . Especially for submarine cables repairing defects or damage on a cable is very expensive . So you would think that online quality checking in manufacture would be vital and commonplace . Yes and no . Yes it is vital , no it is not commonplace . In fact there is only one system that can examine HV cable insulation as it is being made , and that is Acuity ’ s ultrasonic Ultrascreen . An offline system for manual inspection of cable joints , Ultraprofilor , uses the same technology to 3-D visualise joints in even more detail .
Our technology is in factories of several global cable-makers . All our clients jealously guard the knowledge of the presence of our technology – hence the title of this piece . We have enabled recovery of cable worth millions by identifying defective lengths to cut out of reels that would otherwise have been scrapped .
Cable buyers have therefore not been aware of the benefits of having cable scanned in detail prior to shipment , although this is now beginning to change .
High voltage is necessary to minimise the energy loss in transmission . It means that the insulation in the cables , whether under the sea or over land must be flawless .
The professional bodies in the industry are showing interest in using our data , potentially for certification .
As the cable market expands so must we . To learn more about our products and about collaboration get in touch at info @ acuityproducts . co . uk .
For further information , please visit www . acuityultrasonics . com
54 PECM Issue 69