PECM Issue 69 2024 | Page 26

Ensuring reliable long-distance critical signal delivery in mining applications


Ensuring reliable long-distance critical signal delivery in mining applications
In mining applications , coal-carrying conveyor belts can be up to 20 km long and , if they break and do not immediately stop , cargo can be spilled everywhere and cause a major safety risk . Conveyors usually come equipped with contacts that indicate problems like breakages , but , with the extreme distances involved , these can be unreliable . Here Ian Loudon , international sales manager at remote monitoring specialist Omniflex , explains why new fibre optic modules are game changes in mining applications in terms of reducing downtime and improving safety .
The mining industry is the backbone of modern civilisation , providing the raw materials essential for everything from buildings and infrastructure to electronics and medicine . The global coal mining industry specifically has grown by nearly 20 per cent on average for each of the last five years , meaning conveyors in the industry are carrying more coal than ever . However , these mining operations often take place in remote and challenging environments , where reliable communication is paramount .
Modern mining conveyor belts can extend for tens of kilometres , carrying tonnes of material daily . These mammoth systems are crucial for transporting extracted resources from the mine to processing facilities or stockpiles . Therefore , ensuring efficient and uninterrupted operation is vital for maintaining production quotas .
However , conveyor belt safety is an equally important
Wireless telemetry systems play a vital role in ensuring the smooth and safe operation of conveyor belts .
consideration . Belt breakages can have catastrophic consequences – causing damage to infrastructure , environmental spills and , even , worker injuries or fatalities .
Conveyor safety in mining
Wireless telemetry systems play a vital role in ensuring the smooth and safe operation of conveyor belts . These systems continuously monitor belt tension , speed and alignment , and can detect anomalies that could indicate potential problems . Real-time data transmission allows for early intervention , preventing minor issues from escalating into catastrophic failures . In the unfortunate event of a belt breakage , sensors can trigger emergency shut-off mechanisms immediately , minimising damage and potential injuries .
Getting switch contact signals point-to-point can be a matter of life and death . When an operator hits the conveyor ’ s emergency stop button , they need to be confident that the system will shut down as intended . If someone is in danger in a mining environment , the risk of signal failure must be mitigated to an acceptable level .
However , maintaining reliable longdistance signal delivery in mining environments can be challenging for several reasons . First , signal strength can be limited in any underground operations where rock formations hamper radio wave transmissions .
26 PECM Issue 69