PECM Issue 69 2024 | Page 15

Leak Detection : Early detection of leaks through accurate pressure monitoring allows prompt intervention , preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment .
System Integrity Monitoring : Continuous pressure measurement helps maintain hydrogen systems ’ integrity , identifying and addressing potential issues that could compromise safety .
Compliance with Regulations : The hydrogen industry must adhere to stringent safety regulations . SoS pressure transmitters provide reliable data to ensure systems operate within prescribed safety parameters .
Contributing to Efficiency and Sustainability
SoS pressure transmitters also enhance hydrogen systems ’ efficiency and sustainability by providing accurate and reliable pressure data . This contributes to :
Optimal System Performance : Precise pressure control ensures hydrogen systems operate at their best , maximising energy efficiency and reducing waste .
Reduced Downtime : Reliable pressure measurement minimises unexpected failures and downtime , crucial for maintaining continuous operation in critical hydrogen applications .
Early detection of leaks through accurate pressure monitoring allows prompt intervention , preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment .
Hydrogen Production Facilities in Asia :
Utilising SoS pressure transmitters in electrolysis processes has improved efficiency , supporting the region ’ s energy sustainability goals .
Aerospace Applications in the United States :
Incorporating SoS pressure transmitters in hydrogen propulsion systems for spacecraft ensures safety and performance in demanding environments .
Future Prospects and Innovations
The role of silicon-on-sapphire pressure transmitters in the hydrogen industry will continue to expand . Future innovations may include :
Enhanced Miniaturisation : Advances in microfabrication techniques could lead to even smaller , more sensitive SoS pressure transmitters for compact hydrogen systems .
Integration with IoT : Integrating SoS pressure transmitters with the Internet of Things ( IoT ) could provide realtime data analytics and remote monitoring , enhancing safety and efficiency .
Advanced Sensing Capabilities : Research and development may yield SoS pressure transmitters with multi-parameter measurement capabilities , offering comprehensive monitoring solutions for hydrogen applications .
Conclusion Silicon-on-sapphire pressure transmitters are transforming pressure measurement technology in the hydrogen industry . Their high precision , temperature stability , durability , and high-pressure capability make them indispensable for a wide range of hydrogen applications . By enhancing safety , efficiency , and sustainability , SoS pressure transmitters drive the hydrogen industry forward , contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future .
Lower Maintenance Costs : The durability and corrosion resistance of SoS pressure transmitters reduce maintenance frequency and costs , contributing to long-term sustainability .
Case Studies and Real-World Applications Hydrogen Refuelling Stations in Europe :
Adopting SoS pressure transmitters has enhanced the accuracy and reliability of pressure measurement systems , resulting in safer and more efficient refuelling operations .
For further information , please visit www . esi-tec . com
Issue 69 PECM 15