PECM Issue 66 2024 | Page 40

GAIN LINE offers UK manufacturers advice to reduce their carbon footprints ahead of COP28


GAIN LINE offers UK manufacturers advice to reduce their carbon footprints ahead of COP28
Ahead of the global UN Climate Change Conference known as COP28 , business consultancy GAIN LINE is offering manufacturers advice on how to reduce their carbon footprints to support the UK ’ s effort to tackle climate change .
COP28 , which runs from 30th November to 12th December 2023 , will see delegates from almost 200 countries gather to coordinate global climate action for the next year .
Countries , including the UK , will present plans for tackling climate change and report on their progress in their efforts to limit global warming and cut the harmful effects of climate change .
Tom Mercer , Commercial Director at business consultancy GAIN LINE , offers valuable insights to manufacturers on how to effectively reduce their carbon footprints .
He said : “ Manufacturers must ensure they are meeting their environmental obligations and lowering their carbon footprints as part of the UK ’ s effort to tackle climate change .
“ Saving energy helps the environment , and reducing waste also has the added benefit of a positive impact on the profitability of production lines .
“ For manufacturers to thrive in today ’ s tough economic climate , with the added pressures around
“ Saving energy helps the environment , and reducing waste also has the added benefit of a positive impact on the profitability of production lines .
sustainability , we recommend they ensure they are on top of the following four areas :
• “ Accurately measure and report on your overall energy consumption . Doing so will help you understand how your operation wastes energy and identify areas where you can save energy to reduce your carbon footprint while also delivering cost savings .
• “ Ensure the size of your premises is appropriate for the physical scale of your operation . With advancements in manufacturing technology , many long-standing manufacturers no longer require larger premises that were once needed to house bigger machinery . Using appropriate premises can cut energy costs significantly and increase efficiency in output , with staff not needing to travel across large sites .
• “ Promote recycling within your manufacturing processes by either using recycled material initially , using materials to build new products , or taking advantage of technological advancements within recycling . For instance , this could include allowing some chemicals to be recycled or introducing cleaner , more environmentally friendly substitutes for existing recycling solutions .
• “ Utilise renewable energy providers for a quick and significant improvement in your company ’ s carbon footprint or invest in carbon offsets such as the development of solar energy or wind farms .”
For further information , please visit www . gainline . co . uk
40 PECM Issue 66