with a simple , single-cable connection . This makes it easy to meet different application requirements while providing access to the Logix platform . It facilitates more centralized control by sending commands that initiate robot movement , obtain status , change recipes , and modify configurations . The platform can operate with more clarity and control by performing essential functions from an HMI without needing a robot pendant .
EtherNet / IP allows organizations to deploy faster and streamline advanced safety functionalities . It speeds up identity configuration , communications , and I / O data transfer using EtherNet / IP Add-on Profiles . In addition , it creates a simplified , more easily managed safety network using CIP Safety . The robot appears and is handled like any other EtherNet / IP network safety device . Integrated robots help people across job functions do more with robots by significantly reducing the effort for programmers by writing , testing , and refining in the Studio 5000 environment . It allows organizations to leverage skilled engineers who are already proficient with Studio 5000 software to bring systems up to speed faster , with no need to train or wait for the availability of a specialized robot programmer .
To meet the needs of the smart factory , it is vital that robots can be rapidly deployed and that they are flexible and easily integrated into the entire plant network . The challenge here is that this entails workers being comfortable with multiple systems . This is where unified robot control comes to the fore , to provide a more straightforward catalogue-number-driven approach . It eliminates the need for dedicated robot controllers and programming environments . Instead , unified control is an out-of-the-box , catalogue-number-driven solution based
Maximizing the full benefit of robots is becoming even more crucial as competition increases .
on configuration instead of programming . It is possible to select a robot vendor , drag and drop it into an Ethernet / IP network , and generate an automatic bill of materials . Dedicated robotics libraries can generate project files and faceplates for overall robot device status , diagnostics , path configuration , homing and brake control .
Digital engineering allows the control code to be tested and validated so that the mechanics and logic work harmoniously before the robot cell is built . It offers the ability to stress test the real-world performance of the robot system digitally , to confirm cycle rates and recognize any potential bottlenecks before implementing any changes . Working in a digital environment using digital twins , engineers can design , iterate , test , and prove solutions faster .
The benefits of a digital platform do not end at the design stage ; it offers advantages across the entire cell lifecycle . By designing with Rockwell Automation ’ s Emulate3D™ software , it is possible to create more efficient , practical robot applications and advanced tools using data to better control , operate , and support the system .
Utilizing the digital twin allows programmers to reduce design time and costs by shifting essential controls programming tasks earlier in the project . This strategy lowers the risk by using virtual commissioning to diagnose and remedy late-stage issues early .
By better connecting the controllers or unifying them into one system , you can create robot applications with less time and effort . This has multiple benefits , including reducing engineering time and costs by programming the robot and machine together in one place and reducing complexity and footprint with a centralized control architecture . It allows organizations to deliver high-speed , highprecision operations more efficiently with better synchronization of the devices on the machine network .
For more info , please visit www . rockwellautomation . com / en-gb / capabilities / industrial-automation-control / robot-automation . html
Issue 64 PECM 17