PECM Issue 60 2023 | Page 90

How working closely with a modern foundry can enable innovation


How working closely with a modern foundry can enable innovation
NovaCast are specialists in the casting of high-quality metal components used in pumps and valves throughout the process industries . The introduction of sophisticated technology , an emphasis on design engineering , and a willingness to work closely with its customers ’ design teams , has resulted in many technical innovations that have reduced costs and lead times , while improving component performance and giving its customers a competitive edge .
A good example is the venturi orifice steam trap solution used in a wide variety of process engineering applications within the food manufacture , sports and recreation , laundry , chemical and biomechanical markets .
NovaCast ’ s customer developed a venturi orifice trap design that featured a cast stainless steel body with a unique reamoveable orifice insert allowing for easy maintenance without the need to remove the trap from the steam line . To meet the demands of the European market , the central casting required the welding of stainless steel flanges at both ends . In addition to adding cost and time to the production process , the specialist welds needed to be machined , checked and certified because the steam traps operate in high pressure environments .
The success of the innovative venturi design , which has largely replaced mechanical steam traps , encouraged NovaCast ’ s customer to seek ways of reducing production costs and simplifying the manufacturing process .
While the existing unit met its functional design and performance requirements , it was expensive and time-consuming to produce . So , every aspect of the product design and manufacturing process was reassessed with the objective of evolving an already successful design into one which delivered a significant competitive advantage .
A key objective of the re-design was to incorporate the welded flanges into the main casting . This would deliver several benefits including a simplification of the production process by eliminating the need for any welding , a reduction in the amount of machining required , a lowering of the manufacturing cost and the opportunity to benefit from economies of scale .
It was critical that the quality of the stainless steel casting was high to ensure the integrity of the steam trap when working at high temperatures and pressures . This would also reduce the amount of machining required to achieve both operational performance and the required surface finish .
NovaCast was selected for the redevelopment due to its extensive experience of converting fabrications into castings combined with its ability to deliver stainless steel castings of the highest quality at highly competitive prices due to its partnering relationships with several ferrous foundries in the far east .
NovaCast ’ s design team developed and refined the casting geometry using 3D modelling and casting simulation software . A 3D printed prototype was then produced prior to commissioning full stainless steel production samples . The combination of advanced computer modelling and 3D printing eased the process of developing , testing , and refining the casting geometry and saved both time and cost .
The new steam trap body , including the flanges , was investment cast in one piece using CF8 stainless steel giving it consistent strength , resilience , and dimensional accuracy . The new body was totally homogenous making it physically stronger and safer as all welding had been eliminated . This also simplified certification , speeded up production and ensured repeatable , high quality .
From a commercial perspective , the new steam trap delivered the same technically advanced solution as its predecessor but in a fully integrated flanged form that exactly met market requirements . The streamlined manufacturing process enabled by the new design also lowered the costs to end users .
Richard Phillips , Managing Director at NovaCast is delighted with the result : “ We have been encouraging customers to look for opportunities to replace expensive and time-consuming fabrications with single castings for a long time now . It is very rewarding when a customer takes our advice on board and is prepared to re-assess their manufacturing processes to realise the benefits that high quality , complex castings can deliver .”
To discuss your requirements , call a member of NovaCast ’ s team on + 44 ( 0 ) 1225 707466 , or email sales @ novacast . co . uk .
For further information , please visit www . novacast . co . uk
90 PECM Issue 60