PECM Issue 60 2023 | Page 66

What ’ s the risk ?


What ’ s the risk ?
The application of adhesives , potting compounds , encapsulants or other liquids , fluids or pastes , is something that can often be readily automated with a dispensing robot . However , manufacturers that are still performing these processes manually may be concerned about the potential risks of transforming their processes with automation . On the other hand , the potential rewards are great — including improved consistency , speed , and accuracy that lead to gains in productivity . Here Peter Swanson , Managing Director of adhesives and dispensing equipment specialist Intertronics , assesses the risk versus reward of investing in dispensing automation .
According to the International Federation of Robotics 2021 World Robot Report , the UK ranks below the global average of 126 robots per 10,000 employees , placing it 24th in the world in terms of robot density . Europe ’ s most automated country , Germany , has 371 robots per 10,000 employees , while the UK has just 101 per 10,000 employees . This trend , of increased robot use in mainland Europe contrasted with a downward trend in the UK , looks set to continue . In 2021 , robot installations across Europe were up 24 % to 4,302 units — a new peak — but down by 7 % to 2,054 units in the UK .
Britain ’ s lack of investment in robots has its roots in the financial crisis of 2008 . This is due , in part , to the culture of British industry . If you attend a manufacturing facility in Germany , for instance , the team might proudly point out their newest technology investments . In the UK , the plant manager is more likely to point to a trusted , reliable machine that has been in use for more than 20 years .
Britain has fallen behind the global average investment in robots . As the rest of Europe invests heavily in automation to drive productivity , the UK ’ s ability to remain competitive will be dependent on breaking the barriers to automation .
One of the historic barriers to automation is the perceived risk of investing in new equipment . After all , if a manual process is working well then why upset the applecart ? Nevertheless , recent events like Covid , the war in Ukraine , and Brexit have impacted how we do business , and how industry perceives risk .
Supply chain challenges are making it more difficult to source components , and the risks associated with long global supply chains mean that many manufacturers are reshoring their manufacturing operations . Businesses are also increasing their local supplier base . According to a survey by Make UK , three quarters of companies have increased the number of British suppliers they are using .
The success of these reshoring programmes depends on the availability of labour and , at present , the UK is facing a high number of job vacancies . If manufacturers are unable to recruit the people they need to reshore manual processes , then alternative methods of production become more attractive .
Following the events of the last few years , manufacturers are now more likely to see the opportunities of robots , rather than the risks . As Henry Ford once said , “ If you need a machine and don ’ t buy it , you pay for it without getting it .”
With these factors in mind , the application of adhesives and other materials is a prime candidate for automation . A dispensing robot can apply materials with positional accuracy and precise quantities , and repeat that all day long . The output is often faster than a manual process and , sometimes , robots can achieve results that are not possible for a human . For example , applying an even bead of gasketing around a complex profile is not manually feasible .
For manufacturers looking to invest in dispensing automation , there are four main components to the system . They are , first , the robot used to position and actuate the dispenser and , second , the dispenser ( valve , pump , syringe or cartridge as well as the required controller and material reservoir ) that is chosen to distribute the material . The third component is the tooling used to hold the parts in place and , fourth , the enclosure — an important consideration for health and safety .
The specification and choice of the dispensing methodology ( valve , pump , syringe , cartridge , etc ) is quite complex and material dependent . By working with a reliable supplier that understands the
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