PECM Issue 59 2022 | Page 8

“ We operate multiple shift systems around the clock here at Brackley ,” says Mr Peddle . “ One of the key benefits of VERICUT is its ease of use , especially for staff who work unsupported , outside of regular hours . For example , the night shift might not have the same level of support available as those working shifts that cross our core hours . However , they can just open the software and easily see the entire simulation . They don ’ t need to be a software expert .”
The machine shop at Brackley replaces most of its machine tools on a 10-year cycle , but investing in a new machine is no problem for VERICUT .
“ CGTech has a good library of machine tool templates , so they can usually provide a template ‘ off-the-shelf ’ or create a bespoke version if required , based upon their extensive library ,” explains Mr Peddle . “ The support is always excellent , quickly resolving any issues we might have .”
Adds Mr Brown : “ CGTech regularly spend time on site with us , periodically though the year , integrating with our CAM team . They understand what we do here and what we need from VERICUT . We have a very strong relationship with them .”
CGTech also has long-standing relationships with all of the major machine tool vendors , a factor that has proved beneficial to the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team on more than one occasion .
“ We ’ ve recently done a lot of work reducing our five-axis milling cycle times ,” says Mr Peddle . “ CGTech has a really good
relationship with our machine tool suppliers , which meant they were able to gain access to certain machine parameters and build that information into our VERICUT projects , helping us to simulate the digital cycle time compared with the actual cycle time .”
Mr Brown picks up on this important point : “ Understanding how much a component has cost to make and what value it has as an asset to the Team has been a complex thing to learn over the past two years since the cost cap was introduced . We ’ ve had to create a new process where we now rely on VERICUT cycle times to help cost a component . Having really accurate cycle times exported from VERICUT has proved so important .”
Adds Mr Peddle : “ As VERICUT has evolved we ’ ve evolved alongside it , not just in terms of how we prevent collisions , but in reducing lead times and improving quality .”
Another benefit of VERICUT is its independence of the CAM session . The
For more information visit www . cgtech . co . uk programming stations in the office and on the shop floor at Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team have multiple screens , so users can work on CAM and VERICUT sessions in parallel .
“ Due to our compressed manufacturing lead times , we ’ ll routinely start machining a part before the program is complete , so we can be simulating while we are creating the next sequence of CNC code in the CAM session .” explains Mr Peddle . “ We always have a finite amount of time , so we ’ ll begin roughing as soon as a part is released and get as far as possible before waiting for more code . It ’ s the only way we can achieve on-time delivery , which translates directly into the machine shop adding performance to the race car .”
Concludes Mr Brown : “ Tools such as our CAM system and VERICUT verification , simulation and optimisation software ensure we get the best result possible in the finite amount of time we have .”
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