PECM Issue 58 2022 | Page 53


too viscous to be effectively treated in a tubular heat exchanger . When this occurs , a scraped surface unit will be required and when the product also contains particles as outlined above , such as whole strawberries , then the HRS Unicus Series of reciprocating scraped surface heat exchangers provides the necessary combination of gentle handling while preventing and removing fouling as it occurs .
When it comes to choosing the right heat exchanger , the biggest factor is the nature of the materials being processed and the client ’ s requirements for the fi nished product – something that we refer to as the product identity .
Some products do not need to maintain the integrity of their ingredients , and in such cases the HRS R Series of scraped surface heat exchangers may be suitable , or even preferable . The R Series features a scraper bar which rotates at around 300 rpm and effectively breaks up or homogenises materials such as mechanically deboned meat ( MDM ) or jams and sauces .
With materials being handled ranging from simple fluids through to complex viscous liquids , emulsions and materials containing large particles which must remain intact , there is no ‘ one size fits all ’ solution . That is why HRS produces a range of tubular heat exchangers , from simple multi-tube designs through to scraped surface designs which are capable of dealing with high-fouling materials while maintaining product integrity .
For the simplest fluids , such as milk , smoothies and juices , we have multitube designs including the MI Series and the MR Series . As materials become more viscous in nature ( such as honey , soups and creams ), then we move up through the range using tube-in-tube or annular space designs such as the DTA or AS Series respectively . For the most viscous materials with high fouling potential , you need a scraped surface heat exchanger such as our R Series or patented Unicus Series .
For materials containing particles or pieces , as a starting point you would use the DTA Series where the inner tube provides more room for the product to flow without damage . If the product contains particles but is also viscous , then the AS Series is a better solution and less susceptible to fouling .
Nearly all HRS tubular heat exchangers feature our corrugated tube technology which improves heat transfer and effi ciency while minimising fouling , where materials are displaying laminar fl ow corrugations provide little benefi t , and so smooth tubes are used . There comes a point where products may be
Simple fl uids , such as milk or juice Viscous materials ( cream , honey , etc .) Very viscous materials Simple materials containing particles ( e . g . fruit ) Viscous material containing particles Viscous materials requiring gentle handling Viscous materials requiring homogenisation
Multitube MI or MR Series Tubular DTA or AS Series Scraped surface R or Unicus Series DTA Series AS Series Unicus Series R Series
For more information contact + 44 1923 232 335 , info @ uk . hrs-he . com or visit www . hrs-heatexchangers . com