PECM Issue 58 2022 | Page 40

Trialing and Scaling of Production for Startup ’ s


Trialing and Scaling of Production for Startup ’ s
Beginning production of a new formulation , batch or innovative liquid product , can often bring about difficulties .
Knowing which pump technology to use to ensure a safe , efficient process , but provide the flexibility for small scale batches , whilst undertaking refinements prior to commercialization can prove challenging .
Not only are you trying to ensure accurate , repeatable traceable results and avoid transferring fluids manually , but also ensure any technology selected will stand the test of time and make certain cross contamination does not skew results .
One of the ways North Ridge Pumps recently helped a client looking to scale production and perform trials was an innovator within the supplement industry .
They were looking to transfer one of several blends of chemicals which were highly viscous , would not flow under gravity and they wanted to consistently batch set amounts .
High Viscosity liquids often cause difficulty in transfer applications . They do not flow under gravity , require a specialist pump technology which if used can also pose issues if ran without fluid and be easily damaged .
Such fluids are sometimes so thick that when delivered in barrels or containers , if the incorrect pump technology is chosen , fluid is not pumped - holes are made with the pump within the container of fluid , rather than it being completely emptied , with large amounts of product remaining .
Not only is product within the centre of containers a cause for concern but also fluids which may remain stuck to the side of the container and the amount of wastage this can generate , in particular with more expensive fluids , or those which must be disposed of via waste collection . So when looking to scale production or conduct trials what factors should be considered ?
Sensitivity to Shear - Some fluids may be shear sensitive meaning they must be handled gently to avoid them being changed during transfer , or can become thicker when pumped .
Solid Handling - When solids are transferred careful consideration needs to be given to the way they are handled . They can be transferred with technologies preserving their shape and consistency , or with designs which can assist with the next stage of production with solids broken down , or partially blended .
Volatile & Corrosive liquids - Volatile and corrosive liquid handling is another
40 PECM Issue 58