PECM Issue 58 2022 | Page 28

STAR Huck Star ® fastener Fasteners FASTENERS distribution network not just a NOT fastener JUST supplier A FASTENER ! SUPPLIER !






As a well-established leader in the global Huck ® fastener distribution network Star Fasteners ( UK ) Ltd , are committed to supplying customers with the most innovative fastening solutions on the market .
As a well-established leader in the global
STAR Huck Star ® fastener Fasteners FASTENERS distribution network not just a NOT fastener JUST supplier A FASTENER ! SUPPLIER !
Star Fasteners ( UK ) Ltd , are committed
Supplying a diverse range of industries , Star Fasteners have many years of technical to supplying customers with the most knowledge . “ Huck fasteners are what we
As As innovative a a well-established fastening leader solutions leader in in the on the global the market . specialise in , we carry extensive stocks ”. The Huck range has an excellent reputation in
Huck Huck ® ® fastener distribution network the market for their quality and reliability . Encapsulated Hucktainers
Star Star Supplying Fasteners a diverse ( UK ( UK ) ) Ltd Ltd range , , are are committed
of industries , Star There are numerous reasons why customers use Huck products , but what make the UK ’ s " Customers contact us for advice on some to to Fasteners supplying have customers many years with of the technical most largest Huck fastener distributor , Star really challenging fastening applications . Fasteners different ; what extra services can We developed a countersunk Hucktainer innovative knowledge fastening . “ Huck fasteners solutions are on what the market we . they offer ? Here are some of the collar for fixing commercial vehicle locking specialise in , we carry extensive stocks ”. The value-added advantages of Star Fasteners gear and kick -strips. We find that many
Supplying Huck range a diverse has an excellent range of of industries reputation ,, Star in solutions : - manufacturers use the same types of materials ; history has shown that these
Fasteners Star the market Fasteners have for many their have quality many years years of and technical reliability of . Encapsulated Hucktainers
Exclusively from Star Fasteners , the Huck applications are generally fastened with a knowledge technical There are knowledge numerous . “ Huck fasteners . reasons “ Huck are fasteners why what customers we are
PentaLok ® designed specifically for the standard bolt and nut , but this protruded composite panel market , is an easy to from the panel which then needed a specialise what use Huck we specialise in products , we carry , in but , extensive we what carry make stocks extensive the ”. UK The ’ s " Customers contact us for advice on some Star Fasteners in-house and onsite profile tool , so we repairs and servicing keep
install , 6.4mm diameter , plated steel , peel capping strip . The customer wanted to
Huck stocks largest range ”. Huck The has Huck fastener an excellent range distributor has reputation an excellent , Star in really challenging fastening applications
fastener with superior blind side strength . stream-line the . vehicles Due to its high pull-out strength , PentaLok is designed-in the countersunk collar , which the reputation Fasteners market different for in their market ; quality what for extra and their services reliability quality can . Encapsulated We developed Hucktainers a countersunk Hucktainer production lines Countersunk rolling and Hucktainer fasteners Collar suited for use within thin materials or resulted a smooth finish and saved
There and they reliability offer are numerous ? Here . There are reasons some are numerous of why the customers reasons collar for fixing commercial vehicle delicate composites , as well as within weight
; a great solution installed .” correctly . Star Fasteners stock a use why value-added Huck customers products advantages use , but Huck what of products Star make Fasteners , the but UK ’ s " misaligned Customers gear and , oversized kick contact -strips , or slotted us . We holes for find . advice Its that on many some Star comprehensive Star Fasteners can colour match to uniquely engineered peel system installs
The hundreds in-house powder 2000
Fasteners coating / 53 Annex
in-house range of and new onsite tools installation largest what solutions make Huck : - the fastener UK ’ s largest distributor Huck , Star fastener really manufacturers challenging use fastening the same applications types of with ease into shallow panels . service allows
. any Huck stock tool for item repairs every budget and servicing , including keep the new of different colours , but we also stock a 2 in materials distributor , Star Fasteners different ; what to be coloured to meet customers ’
Fasteners different ; what extra services can We materials developed ; history a countersunk has shown that Hucktainer these production Huck Range lines Force rolling ® battery and tool fasteners . “ We always
wide encapsulated
range of headed
®, is ready requirements for . Customers and ’ needs components vary , they extra Exclusively offer services ? Here from can are Star they some Fasteners offer the ? Here , the are Huck collar applications for fixing are commercial generally fastened vehicle locking with a installed stock plenty correctly of tooling . Star spares Fasteners to ensure stock a available dispatch in .” any colour head . “ The some order bespoke colours of vehicles to match . the Additionally , some of the value-added advantages of Star encapsulated Hucktainer has been available livery of a contract , but they have also been value-added PentaLok ® designed advantages specifically of Star Fasteners for the gear standard kick bolt -strips and nut . We , but find this that protruded many comprehensive servicing and repairs range can of new be turned installation around on the market for many years ,” reports coloured to aid with fastener
it also identification
meets the
. solutions Fasteners composite : - solutions panel market : . , is an easy to manufacturers from the panel use which the then same needed types of a tools quickly for ” every adds Dan budget . If the , including customers the budget new
Daniel “ Customers . “ contact were contacting us for advice Small on some order requirements requirements are a bonus and of install , 6.4mm diameter , plated steel , peel materials saying capping that they ; strip history wanted
. The to has use
customer colour shown that wanted as these it ’ s an to in-house service Huck does , they Range can not allow Force for ® the battery purchase tool . “ of We new always really challenging fastening applications matched fasteners on pre-coloured generally be . the Restriction of despatched at short notice .
Exclusively fastener with from superior Star Fasteners blind side , strength the Huck . applications stream-line the are generally vehicles profile fastened , so we with a stock tooling plenty or the of requirement tooling spares is to for ensure a shortterm project and Star repairs also can offer be a turned long or around short-
composite We developed panels - this a is the ideal solution . Hucktainer Hazardous
PentaLok J63 Hucktainer , with Additional
Due to its ® high designed pull-out specifically strength , PentaLok for the is standard designed-in bolt the and countersunk nut , but this collar protruded , which servicing collar for fixing commercial vehicle
The Huck Range Force Battery Tool
Star Fasteners can colour match to corrosion locking resistance . “
We are aware of the composite suited for use panel within market thin , materials is an easy or to from resulted the panel in a smooth which finish then needed and saved a quickly term hire ” adds option Dan .. If the The customers Huck Range budget Force hundreds gear and of different kick -strips colours ,. but We we find also that constantly many evolving metal regulations plating industry . install delicate ,, 6.4mm composites diameter , as , well plated as steel within , peel capping weight ; strip a great . The solution customer .” wanted stock a wide range of standard colours and try to to pre-empt customers does not requirement allow for the purchase Battery of new Tool manufacturers use the same types ready for dispatch ." for additional of corrosion resistance . With this fastener misaligned with , oversized superior blind , or slotted side strength holes . Its . stream-line the vehicles profile , so we tooling or the requirement is for a shortterm Trivalent project Clear Star also offer a long or short- materials ; history has shown that in these mind we now stock all These Hucktainer new pins Due uniquely to to its high engineered pull-out peel strength system , PentaLok installs is designed-in The in-house the powder countersunk coating collar with , which J63 Zinc-Nickel and applications are generally fastened
with a
. This finish processes is free from and resources will help our suited with ease for use into within shallow thin panels materials . or delicate resulted service in allows a smooth any Huck finish stock and saved item term hire option . standard bolt and nut , but this protruded hexavalent chrome and customers is compliant with to address corrosion resistance delicate composites composites , as well , as well within as misaligned within , weight to be coloured ; a great solution to meet .” customers
’ directive EU 2000 / 53 Annex 2 in from the panel which then needed a capping for many years to come .” materials and components of vehicles . misaligned oversized The encapsulated ,, or oversized slotted headed , holes or slotted . Its Hucktainer uniquely holes . Its ®, is requirements . Customers ’ needs vary , strip . The customer wanted to stream-line
Additionally , it also meets the requirements uniquely engineered available engineered peel any system colour peel installs head system . “ with The installs ease
The some in-house order bespoke powder colours coating to match the of the Restriction of Hazardous Substances the vehicles profile so we designed-in Star Fasteners in-house and on-site tool regulations . with into encapsulated ease shallow into panels shallow Hucktainer . panels has . been available service livery of allows a contract any , Huck but they stock have item also been the countersunk collar , which resulted in to be coloured to meet customers ’ repairs and servicing keep production lines on the market for many years ,” reports coloured to aid with fastener identification .
These new processes and resources will
For further information email a smooth finish and saved weight ; a great rolling and fasteners help our customers to address corrosion sales installed @ starfasteners correctly . . uk . call us
The The Daniel encapsulated . “ Customers headed were contacting Hucktainer us ®, ®, is requirements Small order requirements . Customers ’ are needs a bonus vary , and solution .” resistance for many years Star to come Fasteners .” stock on a + 44 comprehensive ( 0 ) 115 9324 939 available Powder Coated Hucktainers is saying available that in they in any any colour wanted colour head to head use . “. The colour some as it ’ s order an in-house bespoke service colours , they to match can the “ The range of new installation tools for every encapsulated matched fasteners Hucktainer on pre-coloured has been available livery generally of a contract be despatched , but they at have short also notice been .
The in-house powder coating service budget , including the new Huck Range on on composite the the market panels for many - this years is the ,” ideal reports solution . coloured to aid with fastener identification . allows any stock item to be coloured Force ® battery tool . “ We always stock plenty Daniel ..““ Customers were contacting us Small J63 Hucktainer order requirements , with Additional are a bonus and The Huck Range Force Battery Tool to meet customers ’ requirements . of tooling spares to ensure servicing and saying Star Fasteners that they can wanted colour to match use colour to as corrosion it ’ s an in-house resistance service . “ We , they are can aware of the Customers ’ needs vary , some order bespoke repairs can be turned around quickly ” adds matched hundreds fasteners of different on pre-coloured colours , but we also generally constantly be evolving despatched metal at plating short notice industry . colours match the livery of a contract , “ Dan Technology . If the customers is always budget evolving does and not we have composite stock a wide panels range - this of standard is is the ideal colours solution . and try to pre-empt customers requirement
J63 but Hucktainer they have also , with been Additional coloured to aid customers allow for the that purchase come to of us new with tooling specific or the ready for dispatch ." for additional corrosion resistance . With this with fastener identification . Small order
The needs requirement Huck who Range want is for
Force to a short-term develop Battery projects Tool beyond Star
Star Fasteners can colour match to corrosion in mind we resistance now stock . “ all We Hucktainer are aware pins of the requirements are a bonus and as it ’ s an the also ‘ norm offer a ’ and long to or push short-term the limits hire of option . hundreds of different colours , but we also constantly with J63 Zinc-Nickel evolving metal and Trivalent plating industry Clear in-house service , they can generally be “ technology Technology . is It is always up to evolving us to keep and up we with have stock a wide range of standard colours and Passivation try to pre-empt . This finish customers is free from requirement despatched at short notice . customers new “ Technology developments that is come always and to evolving us seamlessly with and specific we integrate have ready for dispatch ." for hexavalent additional chrome corrosion and resistance compliant . With with this needs these in mind we now stock all Hucktainer pins customers who into our want that product come to develop to range us with projects . We specific don beyond ’ t want
European directive EU 2000 / 53 Annex 2 in with J63 Hucktainer J63 Zinc-Nickel , with and Additional Trivalent corrosion the to
Clear needs be ‘ norm seen who ’ and as want just to to push a develop fastener the limits projects distributor of , but
materials and components of vehicles . Passivation resistance . “ This We are finish aware is free of from the constantly technology as beyond a company the . It ‘ norm is that up ’ and to is pro-active us to to push keep the and up limits with one of that
Additionally , it also meets the requirements hexavalent evolving metal chrome plating and industry is compliant and try with to preempt customers directive requirement EU 2000 / 53 for Annex additional these provider
new offers technology developments something . It is up different to and us seamlessly to ; keep a solutions up integrate of the Restriction of Hazardous Substances with
European 2 in new developments into !” our product and range seamlessly . We don integrate ’ t want regulations . materials corrosion and resistance components . With this of vehicles in mind . we to these be seen into as our just product a fastener range distributor . We don ’ t , want but Additionally now stock all , it Hucktainer also meets pins the with requirements J63 as to a be For company seen further as that just information a is fastener pro-active email distributor and one , but that
These new processes and resources will of Zinc-Nickel the Restriction and Trivalent of Hazardous Clear Passivation Substances . offers as a sales company something @ starfasteners that different is pro-active . co ; a . uk solutions help our customers to address corrosion or and call one us regulations This finish is . free from hexavalent chrome provider that on offers + 44 !” resistance for many years to come .” something ( 0 ) 115 9324 different 939 ; a solutions
Powder Coated Hucktainers and is compliant with European directive EU provider !” These new processes and resources will
For further information email
For further information email help our sales customers @ starfasteners to address . co . uk corrosion call us on + 44 sales ( 0 ) @ 115 starfasteners 9324 939 . co . uk or call us resistance for many years to come .” on + 44 ( 0 ) 115 9324 939
Powder Coated Hucktainers
28 PECM Issue 58
Countersunk Hucktainer Collar
Star Fasteners in-house and onsite tool repairs and servicing keep production lines rolling and fasteners installed correctly . Star Fasteners stock a comprehensive range of new installation
tools for every budget , including the new
Countersunk Huck Range Force Hucktainer ® battery tool . “ Collar We always stock plenty of tooling spares to ensure servicing and repairs can be turned around quickly ” adds Dan . If the customers budget does not allow for the purchase of new tooling or the requirement is for a shortterm project Star also offer a long or shortterm hire option .
“ Technology is always evolving and we have customers that come to us with specific needs who want to develop projects beyond the ‘ norm ’ and to push the limits of technology . It is up to us to keep up with new developments and seamlessly integrate these into our product range . We don ’ t want to be seen as just a fastener distributor , but as a company that is pro-active and one that offers something different ; a solutions provider !”